The diagram illustrates how a biofuel called ethanol is produced. There are about 9 stages, at the beginning with plans growing and the end with ethanol used by cars, tribes and aeroplanes.
Today we are going to talk about modes of transport used to move goods between eastern region and rest of country and the oder that is for Western region.
This two maps illustrate the changed that happened in a library between the years 2001 and 2009. It is clear from the gragh that, many changes took place in the ground floor over the periods.
The line chart details participants according to activity at a social center in the Australian city of Melbourne from 2000 to 2020. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that participants for all ac
The maps illustrate the changes made to a port between the year 2000 and the present day. Overall, the port has undergone significant modernization, with major additions such as a hotel, improved docking facilities, and
The two maps show the transformation of the community center over period of 10years.Overall center went significant changes, becoming more modern, accessible and appealing to the sports.
The stark transformation of the Central Library layout from twenty years ago is recorded in its layout. The upper diagram depicts the old floorplan, while the bottom one is how it is today.