IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The bar chart compares the percentage of women and men in one Asian country who passed their driving test between 1980 and 2010. Based on the chart, the number of women who passed their driving test is significantly high
A glance at the chart provided illustrates the percentage of passing the driving exam between males and females in an Asian nation from 1980 to 2010.
The bar charts indicated the proportion of men and women who were still working in their 60-64 age in four countries, such as Australia, Japan, the USA and Belgium in the year of 1970 and 2000. According to the chart abo
Presented for consideration is a bar chart detailing figures for the proportion of people who passed their test driving in a specific country from 1980 to 2010, broken down by gender.
The chart provides data on percentage of both males and females who passed their driving test in one Asian country over the course of 30 years.
The bar chart shows the proportion of of males and females have been successful in passing their driver's test between 1980 and 2010 in one Asian Country.
The bar charts illustrate the percentage of employment who aged 60 to 64 in 1970 and 2000. They represented four categories of country: Australia, Japan, the United States and Beigium. Also, the charts shows pecentage of
The chart shows positive driving test results for both genders in an Asian country from 1980 and 2010.
The chart illustrates the percentage of men and women drivers passing the driving test in one Asian country between 1980 and 2010. Overall, men had the least driving test passing rate between 1980 and 2010.
The bar charts given illustrate the proportion of occupation based on gender with range of age from 60 to 64 in Australia, Japan, the USA and Belgium between 1970 and 2000. Overall, the percentage of man declines signifi
The given chart depicts the proportion of females and males passing the driving test in one Asian nation from 1980 to 2010.
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