The given line graph illustrates the travel to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The bar chart shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in the year 1999.
The bar graph demonstrates data on how many tourists visited Australia between 1995 and 2005,while the line graph illustrates information about the number of visitors staying at resorts and backpacking in Australia du
The following bar and line chart shows information about average monthly temperatures and swim suit sales in New York, broken down into the first six months of 2012, indicated as Farenheit and Hundred thousands US dollar
The bar depicts revenue generated from swimming attire, and the line graph illustrates the once-a-month norm temperature in New York from the start of 6 months in 2012.
The bar chart delineates the revenue of swimwear in hundred thousands USD across the first six months of 2012, and the line graph depicts the mean recurrent temperature from January to June of 2012.
The line graph illustrates visits to and from the UK ( visits abroad by UK residents - visits to the UK by overseas residents ) from 1979 to 1999, while the bar chart illustrates the most popular countries visited by UK
The bar chart compares the outcomes of the survey conducted for three years to know the opinions about the range of shops , job opportunities , a mixture of people , museums and art galleries , nightlife and Transport in
The given bar and line chart provides the information on the typical temperature in a month and the amount of money spent on swimwear for the first half of 2012 in New York.
The line graph depicts the mean prices of movie tickets at a theatre, with the bar chart illustrating the proportion of tickets sold in per cent between 2010 and 2011.
this bar chart illustrates the result of a survey conducted over a three-year period to to show the opinion of some people who live in London about the city.Well,there are a lot of noticeable things that can be observed.
The provided chart gives information about the number of rainfall in Australia by month for last year and how many rainfall was in Australia for the last 40 years provided by line graph.
The graph illustrates the monthly temperature on average and the number of swimsuits sold in New York in the first half of 2012. Overall, it is clearly evident that there was a drastic increase in the temperature level b
The given bar chart demonstrates the monthly totals of average rainfall for Australia for last year,while the line graph provides average rainfall total for last 40 years
The chart here illustrates the average temperatures of New York in contrast to the revenue generated by the selling of bathing suit in the span of six months, from January to June, in the year of 2012. The average tempar
The line chart illustrates the number of people who travelled to and from the England, Wales and Scotland in twenty-year period starting in 1979. The bar graph gives information about how many UK residents visited the mo
The line chart shows the quantity of recent graduates in the UK, while the bar chart gives information about their proportions in five different jobs occupied by them in 1992, 1997, and 2002.
The bar chart given below shows the moderate amount of rainfall in Australia by month for last year, while the line graph shows the average rainfall seen by Australia during the last 40 years.
The line graph shows temperature and the bar chart revenue from bathing suit sales in New York City. Both are from the first six months in 2012.,temperature is measured in Fahrenheit and sales measured in US$.