IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The diagram provides information about how instant noodles are manufactured. Looking from an overall perspective, this process is divided into eight stages, beginning at gathering flour in storage silos and ending at lab
The process diagram illustrates how instant pasta are processed. The whole production process takes eight stages to complete.
The process diagram illustrates how instant noodles are produced. The whole production process takes eight stages for completion. Overall, it commenced flour been stored in the silo's and ends with labelling plus sealing
The flowchart presents the manufacturing process of cup instant noodles. Overall, the process consists of eight stages, commencing with the flour pickup processing from the storages and ending with packaging noodles.
Now we talk about the process of manufacturing instant noodles. Instant noodles taste so much taste. It has already become a daily food for some people.
The picture below illustrates the steps and equipment involved in the production of instant noodles as well as the way in which they are then packed for sale.
The given pictures illustrate the manufacturing and wrapping of instant noodles. There are 8 stages in the diagram, from raw substance which is the gathering flour, to wrapping in order to sell.
The diagram below provides a vivid representation of the processes involved in the production of instant noodles. There are a total of 8 stages provided which will be discussed below.
The illustration depicts a method of processing pasta. Overall, analyzing the given data, it can be seen that the 8-step cycle begins with workers conveying flour from storehouses to a particular factory and ends with th
The graph illustrates the amount of visitors visiting a Caribbean island and their preference for accommodation from 2010 to 2017.
The chart below illustrates the manufacturing of instant noodles and this man-made process represents flour, oil and water as the main resources.
The chart below illustrates manufacturing instant noodles and this man-made process represents flour, oil and water as the main resources.
The diagram illustrates the production of semi-ready spaghetti and the manufacturing stages. Overall, analyzing the given data, it can be seen that there are 8 phases of making, the main two are transporting and packagin
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