IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The diagram demonstrates the procedure for producing sugar from sugar canes.
The diagram illustrates the process of producing sugar from sugar cane. Overall, it can be inferred that this process consists of seven distinct stages, beginning with the cultivation of sugar cane and culminating in the
The shown diagram shows how the process of making sugar from sugar cane is carried out in a factory, which involues the use of various equipment .
This diagram illustrates how sugar is produced from sugar canes which consists of 4 phases including farming, crushing, separating and drying. Generally there are 7 steps involved in order to produce large amount of fine
The diagram clearly demonstrates the process by which sugar is made from sugar cane. Overall, it is evident that the process contains 7 stages, three of which take place in a farmland and others in a manufacture.
The diagram depicts the stages of how sugar was produced by using sugar cane.
The diagram illustrates the stages how the sugar was produced by using sugar cane.
The given illustration describes the process of making sugar by manufacturing the sugar cane. It is a long process which has 7 steps to produce sugar from sugar cane. First of all, it is very important to grow sugar cane
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