IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The diagrams show the process of cement manufacture and then how this is used for concrete production. As is observed from the graph, cement construction involves some complex processes and concrete production is done us
The first chart delineates how the operation of producing cement is carried out, while the second image depicts the ingredients and mechanism in the process of making concrete from cement.
The two diagrams provide a detailed insight into the manufacturing process of cement and its subsequent utilization in creating concrete. The production of cement and concrete requires simple materials, steps, and some
The first diagram given illustrates the production process and machineries producing cement, while the second one given shows us about the quantity of cement making concrete for facilities and infrastructures. Overall, b
The picture details the several steps and some devices to produce adhesive and after that, the manufacture of concrete from produced mud.
The picture detail the several steps and some devices to production cement and after that, production concrete from produced cement.
The pictures illustrate the steps involved in the production processes of cement and then concrete. There are six steps in the cement production procedure, and only one step to produce concrete.
The illustrations demonstrate how cement and concrete are produced in order to use them for building purposes. Overall, cement and concrete generations are a 7 stage, man-made, lineer process starting with limestone and
The assigned diagram reflects the information about the 11 stages of both processes making by adhesive with the help of gadgets and concrete construction is used for building purposes.
The diagrams illustrate how cement is made and then how it is used in the production of concrete for construction.
What is given is an illustration of the processes through which the cement is manufactured and then how it is utilized in producing concrete in terms of construction aims.
The picture above illustrates the equipment and the process of fabricating cement and concrete for building purposes. Overall, cement production needs several stages to make cement while concrete production just needs tw
The left diagram illustrates the necessary steps and equipment that are utilized in the process of making cement. Moreover, the right one depicts the way in which the produced cement is employed to obtain concrete for th
The first diagram illustrates the process of making cement, while the second one demonstrates the procedure of producing concrete which is used for constructing buildings. It is clearly seen that the cement-making proces
The diagrams outline the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process, how cement is consumed to produce strong for building purposes.
The diagrams above show the various stages and equipment used to make cement, and how cement is used to make concrete.
The diagrams illustrate the phases and facilities utilized in the process of making cement and its usage in producing concrete in order to construct buildings.
The process illustrates the way in which cement is manufactured and is used for making concrete to construct. Overall, there are four steps in cement production, beginning with limestone and clay and ending with packag
The afore-mentioned illustration describes the steps and machines used in the cement-making process and the procedure of making use of cement to create concrete for building purposes.
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