IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, many kids spend a lot of their time playing computer games more than playing sports, since computer equipment are cheap and accessible. In my view, there are negative effects for them to make the child tremble
Nowadays, with the effect of advancement in technology ,youngsters have replaced their habits of participating in sports activity by indulging into computer games. The main reason for this approach is lack of availabilit
Nowadays children prefer playing video games to doing some sports in order to spend their leisure time. This is due to the factor that computer games give more mental pleasure than any physical activities. However, I bel
Nowadays, the numbers of children spending their leisure playing computer games are increasing, while decreasing day for sport. In my opinion, this trend will have negative results in the future, and in this essay I will
As children are playing more and more games on computer, physical activities like sports are losing their popularity among contemporary young generation. Causes for this phenomenon are not only from the games themselves
In the age of information and technology, children’s leisure pursuits are predominantly associated with computer games rather than sporting activities. This fundamental phenomenon, in my opinion, is detrimental to childr
With increasingly developing technologies modern children tend to spend their leisure time playing computer games rather than doing sports. This is explained by grabbing the attention of children by computers, phones and
Most children are glued to their computer or cell phone these days. This is not a positive development because when children spend the whole day playing games on their adding machine or gaming console, they will develop
It is now well accepted that majority of children prefer playing with their computers over doing sports and I think this is a negative development which would effect children and society in many ways.
Increasing number of children are being observed these days who would rather play video games on their computers than playing sports outdoor. This essay would discuss the main reason behind this phenomenon and how this h
Computer games have evolved tremendously over time and thus have become more interesting and entertaining causing children to often spend more of their free time on playing these games rather than doing sports. This coul
In many countries today, there have been an increase in the time children spend playing video games with a reduction in physical activities. This trend is due to inadequate parental guidance and it has deleterious healt
As societies have developed over time, we have witnessed lifestyle changes as well. This has also impacted the hobbies of the children, where they are now more inclined towards spending their time on computers playing ga
In recent years, digitization has had a severe impact, especially on children. The impact of urbanization and modernization has been very severe, and this has led children being addicted to online videogames in favor of
In recent years, digitization has had a severe impact specially on children. The impact of urbanization and modernization has been very severe, and this has led children being addicted to online video games in favor of o
Although, it is sometimes thought that playing computer games by sitting in the room make young ones lazy as well as slows down the growth, while other parents find this is an opportunity to becoming expert in computer
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