Some individuals enjoy doing a part-time work while studying. There are a myriad of purposes to take a casual job as a side-hustle and rewards an individual with its advantages. A few disadvantages might be there but can
In recent years, the integration of unpaid community service into high school curricula has been a topic of heated debate. Advocates argue that such a requirement can instill social responsibility and valuable life skill
There is no doubt that some people need to do part-time jobs to accommodate their studies. Conversely, certain individuals are engaged in part-time jobs as a hobby. In my opinion, some equal merits and demerits lead to t
In this contemporary era, numerous learners tend to engage in a part time job. There are several reasons behind this, however, the main reason is to maintain the financial autonomy without enforcing financial stress on t
In the contemporary world, part-time jobs become much easier than ever before. As a result, many scholars prefer attending this activity due to its numerous merits, while there are several negative impacts that need to b
These days, the majority of youngsters prefer to earn their pocket money by themselves, although they have been studying, still they want to work and try their best to manage it well. From my ,perspective this trend has
In the contemporary era, a number of students prefer doing part-time jobs while doing studies as they belong to poor families or they want to be independent in managing their expenses. It has more pros as compared to con
It has been known that a number of students choose to work when they study. I believe that positive sides of this behaviour outweight drawbacks because of different reasons.
There has been a phenomenon that more and more students are engaged in part-time jobs. There are advantages and disadvantages. I think the advantages of doing part-time jobs outweigh their disadvantages, and my reasons w
With all the smart features in it, mobile phones have become a major issue due to the prducts addictive nature. Youth tend to use such devices to kill their time by playing games, posting photos and reading gossip withou
Part-time jobs are nowadays a crying need in student life. Undergrad or postgrad pupils are eager to do temporary jobs besides their studies. Though these works have pros, they also carry cons as well. I will opine on bo
Nowadays(1), parents motivate their children to indulge (2) in various activities, and doing a part-time job is one of them. In this essay, I will shed some light on (3) the pros (3) and cons of doing a part-time job.
Nowadays, many students attend to do a part time job, while they still have to focus on studying as well. Some might say that this behavior could be a disadvantage situation. However, some have offensed this statement, t
Nowadays, it is claimed that the majority of youngsters prefer doing part time jobs with their studies to fulfil their needs and requirements. Thus, they need to create balance between study and work. In my opinion, the
In the competitive era, pupils are more possessive regarding their future. It has been observed that many pupils are preferred doiy part time jobs while studying for their holistic development. As there are many other re
Combining work with schooling is a controversial issue among people. Some tutees engage with part-time jobs due to financial constraints. However, I believe that distraction from academic work and lack of parental contro
In current time, students are choosing to work part time while pursuing their studies. Some are opting this because of financial instability, whereas others are doing so to gain some experience in the same field. I feel