IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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My name is Sampurna Bakti. I am writing this letter to inform you that I would like to spend six months working in our head office in Indonesia. In Addition, one week ago I had been noticed by our central manager Darwin
I write to inform you of my desire to work in our branch that is located in Toronto Canada for about 6 months. Firstly, my reason for requesting this opportunity is a chance to advance myself. I desire to acquire knowl
I work as a delivery lead in the transportation and logistics team and have been working at Acuity Knowledge Partners for the past 5 years. I heard that the team is expanding in the head office located in Pune. Moreover,
I am writing this letter to inform you regarding, I am keen to work at the headquarter located in Mumbai, India. I would need to be in the country for a minimum of half a year.
This is Ella Khin, HR Manager from Carousell Myanmar Branch. I am writing to express my interest in the opportunity to work in our head office in Singapore for about six months.
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and health. I recently came across a new short-term assignment in our head office located in London. This opportunity not only will expand my skill set and provide exposure to
I am writing to express my interest in working at our company's headquarters in the United States for a few months to polish my skills and get exposure to the global market trends of our products so that I can better con
I am writing this to express my interest in the new opening offered by our company in the machine learning field. Unfortunately, to be able to eligible I have to spend six months working in our head office in New York.
I would like to share my desire to work in the company headquarters situated in the United States and request your assistance on this matter. Now, the reason why I want to work there is that I have a heard lot about the
I am writing to this letter that I want to explain a big desire. I have been workin in your company since 2018. Last month, I accepted a mail for desing project works in the head office. If I have a chance I can relocate
This is sowjanya. I am writing this letter to inform you about the six months training in your company's head office present in Houston, USA to gain knowledge in SAP certification course.
I am writing this letter in regard to the position available in the main office in Dubai. I would like to take that chance to have the opportunity to explore other areas of our company and to prove to you and myself that
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and in radiant health. I am an employee in the engineering department. I am writing this letter to request you about my transfer to the head office in berlin for six months.
I am your employee for 3 years in your Korea office branch and I am writing this letter to draw your attention towards an important issue which I am facing nowadays.
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