You are a member of organisation which meets regularly at a particular restaurant. The most recent meal you had there was not satisfactory, and you were very disappointed with the quality of the food and the behaviour of the staff· Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. Explain what was wrong with the meal and the service, and suggest what he/she should do to ensure that you and your group return to the restaurant. You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir /Madam,

Dear Sir /Madam, The reason I am writing to you is to express my concerns about recent issues in the restaurant. First of all, my friends and I often visit your restaurant, where all the time everything is perfect. But recently, we faced a terribly cooked dinner and the attitude of the waiter. Talking about the meals, they were cooked so badly that the potato and the meat were not baked enough, and, as you know, it is prohibited to eat raw pork.
In addition
, we saw someone's hair in the dish.
, right after that, we called the waiter.
, a young man named Denis, who is 20 years younger than us, refused to exchange the meal with another one and persisted with rudeness on full payment for spoiled food. My friends tried to talk to him kindly to get a proper solution, but it all was in vain.
To sum up
, I would like you to return all the money and offer a free course dinner for all my colleagues as apologies for
poor incident. Thank you in advance. Look forward to your prompt reply Yours Faithfully Kseniia Malokhatko
Submitted by ksrnnn on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure each paragraph focuses on a single issue for clarity. Your letter does a good job of this by separating the complaint about the meal from the issue with the service.
task achievement
Consider providing specific suggestions for improvement rather than demanding compensation. It may create a more constructive and less confrontational tone.
task achievement
Your letter effectively communicates the dissatisfaction with both the meal and the service, meeting the task requirements.
coherence cohesion
The use of a clear opening and closing statement adheres well to the expected structure of a formal letter.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Disappointing
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Dissatisfied
  • Quality
  • Presentation
  • Hygiene
  • Attentive
  • Rude
  • Improve
  • Training
  • Compensation
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