IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Currently, many individuals decide to run their own businesses instead of being employees for a particular organization. From my point of view, this viewpoint may be a negative trend, which provides some drawbacks.
Arguably, assuming that the production of meat requires more land comparatively with the meat processing. For this reason, some individuals commented that the production of meat should be diminished to provide more space for agriculture. This essay will shed light on both solutions and their impacts on communities and provide anecdotal evidence to prove the arguments.
Education sectors are places where “pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed” itself signifies the importance of education. Some segments of society reckon that education is one of the most indispensable aspects in the growth of a nation; however, counterparts of the society insist that there are other important factors to develop a state. There are arguments on both sides, due to my own beliefs I totally agree that developing a nation can be possible through education only. Even these beliefs will be discussed in support of my personal stance in the following paragraphs.
In today’s world, advertising is one of the weapons for every company to reach people and compete with their competitors, which they usually advertise about their products are new in some way. In my opinion, this might give more benefits rather than negative development and this essay will discuss why this might be the case.
It is often argued that people will rely more on online gadgets to read books and newspapers in the near future as they cost less than buying printed newspapers or books. I strongly agree with this statement.
Luxurious life is not for everyone perhaps even High-quality education I must say. Therefore, few young fellows venture into different kinds of job opportunities in order to support their expenses. Does going overboard in engaging in part-time work after school worth the risk?
In the concurrent world, some people tend to have tentative occupations, while others think that it is necessary to have ubiquitous ones. To me, I consider that both of these opinions have their own benefits. This essay is going to discuss those two thoughts and my own ideas.
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about specific information, relating to different fields that should be learned in order to deal with the exam. However, some people believe that life skill is significant to be taught in school. In my opinion, I agree that having a wild-range of insights can benefit our future, it is not only come across tests easily but also increase our abilities to help society.
With the advent of technology, numerous schools have permitted the usage of mobile phones. While it has been observed that these devices foster safety among students and aid in connecting, the effects that their usage has been adverse. In my opinion, this is a positive development because it not only boosts learning but is also beneficial in terms of their well-being.
It is believed by some public that everybody should have a chance to educate their self-esteem by getting a university learning, however, pupils consider, the government should make it free for all public. So, I completely agree with this aforementioned notion by making such rules can put a positive effect on those, who have a higher confidence level to achieve everything but do not have money to make it true.
It is now apparent that cutting-edge technology and scientific advances have opened up opportunities for tourists and scientists to set foot to natural far-off destinations. While this trend has some benefits, I believe that the drawbacks overshadow them.
The tendency to purchase personal needs by utilizing technological applications is on the rise, and therefore the number of individuals who use these applications has surged compared to the past. Using online platforms has significant beneficial sides although the existence of adverse points cannot be denied. Both ideas linked to the topic will be encapsulated in the following paragraphs.
Newspaper, these days are splashed with the issues related to food wastage especially the meals bought from food outlets.This essay will discuss the reasons like restaurants scheme as well as the foodie nature of an individual which makes them buy more food and it leads to wastage and I will put forward several solutions for this issue.
The last century has witnessed a multitude of technological advances. Just a few decades back, newspapers and radio were the only means through which people could keep track of current affairs. The advent of novel mass communication media like television and the internet has completely changed this scenario. So, I second the statement that our time-tested newspapers are now losing their importance.
Not having sufficient sleep has been becoming an annoying issue in recent periods. Needless to say, this setback has a lot of dire consequences, but it is not insurmountable if some effective actions are taken. In this essay, some of the remedial ideas are explained.
Many opine that university education should be accessible for everyone also ,the governments should create it for all rich and poor pupils. From my point of ,view, I completely agree with this idea that schooling is the most significant basic right for all people.
The question of how much information should be shared for scientific study, business, and academic research has sparked an immense debate. Many people believe that it is a spectacular idea to disseminate information as much as possible, whereas others argue that some of the data seem to be too dangerous to be purveyed. However, I strongly feel about sharing information freely except in a few cases where national security is concerned.
Many countries of the world are currently experiencing serious problems caused by rapidly growing populations in urban fields. This essay will discuss both causes and some possible solutions in the following paragraphs.
The past two decades have been marked by incredible progress and innovation, thus some people believe that there are many things that have changed that would bring more opportunity to their current life period. I strongly disagree with this statement and the following examples will be provided in order to support my point of view.
In the concurrent world, there are dozens of occupations have existed for a long time. some people claim that artists have coined more important things for us, while others say that scientists have created more sensational inventions for our planet. To me, I agree with both opinions. This essay is going to discuss those two ideas and my own explanations.
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