IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In recent times, big corporations are replacing smaller business entities which are finding it harder to stay afloat. In my opinion, the prolific benefits of cheaper prices of products for consumers and diverse product choices that come with big companies do not overshadow the drawbacks of putting many small-scale organizations out of place and destabilizing the economy.
A section of the masses believes that using a car has more drawbacks than benefits. There are substantial advantages such as ease of travel and time efficiency. These, in my opinion, are profitable enough for me to ignore the minimal disadvantages of added cost and pollution as those can be managed better.
Nowadays, there are more and more people who want to study abroad. This essay will discuss how this great opportunity can be an advantage for a candidate and their countries, however, there are also negative consequences of this decision.
Nowadays,there are more and more people who want to study abroad.This essay will discuss how that great opportunity can be an advantage for a candidate and their countries, however, there are also negative consequences of this decision.
In the modern era, an increase in the number of stress children is a major concern across the countries. With each passing day, people spend a lot of time while dealing with children, that really made their lives complicated, there is enough chance for improvement. Huge numbers of kids do react differently because of ample freedom. The essay will discuss the topic in a broader manner.
Presently, a majority of individuals are preferring to set up their own trade while very few are desiring to get employed under any firm. This essay will discuss both the aspects; firstly, benefits in engaging in own business and secondly, the drawbacks of not getting employed.
In the rapidly increasing era of internet, a lot of products and services are replaced by technology. Letters are replaced by emails, traditional classrooms are replaced by virtual classes and likewise, paper books are being replaced by e-books. While some people think that a shift from paper-based book to e-books is disadvantageous, in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
These days, if a person is older, getting married, establishing a new career or has children, homeownership seems like the obvious option. It is a significant part of adulthood which a person typically faced, regardless if he feels unready for the adversities of homeownership. Hence, some people prefer renting a home rather than owning one, out of practicality. This means a substantial investment is not required as a requisite payment, and merely a fixed rental fee is collected each month.
It is clear that the invention of the internet and online platforms have led to dramatic changes in the way information is shared and consumed. This essay will explain why I believe the benefits of social media as the one and only source of data are exceeded by its drawbacks.
Numerous characters deem taking daily goods from foreign nations such as China and Australia is dangerous for public wealth as well as wasting money, and assume this cash flow must get directed to growing vegetables and livestock; In contrast, others oppose and affirm this trend allows us to buy cheaper foods. I agree with this statement and believe that producing meals on its own is more beneficial than investing money on getting supplied, followed by a reasoned conclusion.
Some people argue that taking daily goods from foreign nations such as China or Australia is dangerous for public wealth as well as wasting money, and assume this cash flow must get directed to growing vegetables and livestock. In contrast, others consider this trend allows us to buy cheaper foods.
In recent years, many schools, provide students with electronics, replacing traditional printed textbooks, exams and assignments. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
Over the last decades, the population has significantly increased in many countries. In a few countries, there is more number of the younger generation when compared to older people. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of young citizens and aged citizens and my opinion will be followed.
As the birth rates in some of the countries grow rapidly in recent years, there are relatively more young adults compared to the number of older people. However, advantages, as well as drawbacks of the phenomenon, affect the development of these countries in different aspects. In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks as a whole. This essay will outline some of the pros and cons and point out the reason why advantages can outweigh the disadvantages.
There has been an increase in the number of schools switching over to modern technology replacing traditional textbooks and other printed materials. Pros that it can be carried everywhere and develop a new skill, but at the same time, distractions and reduced social interactions are there. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
There has been a lot of discussions nowadays regarding the climate changes that are happening due to the mission of fossil fuel gases in the environment. Carbon dioxide emission is responsible for global warming and all of the consequences associated with it. One of the solutions for this issue was the introduction of other sources of energy, like solar and wind, considered clean energy providers. I believe that solar influence has been vastly used in many houses in the entire world to household activities. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of solar intensity.
Playing for children plays a significant role in their development. While I admit that there are a couple of benefits to playing alone for children, I believe that it is more likely to have drawbacks.
It has been generally cleared that the universe has no boundaries for trade and communication because it is becoming a global village. Although globalization has some benefits, the disadvantages seem to outweigh the advantages in this case.
In recent years it is noticed that the population of children has increased all over the world. Therefore, countries take benefit from this change. However, this change has some dark side which effects after a few decades.
Many corporate spend a colossal amount on the promotion of their products through various medium though it influences the customer to buy them without any actual need. However, consumerism protects the interest of the people but at the same time has some detrimental effects on manufacturers.
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