IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Every country has distinct methods to deal with a convicted person for maintaining rules and regulations in society. A section of society vehemently deems that a specified punishment for each offence is more effective to alleviate the crime rate. Although, It holds a plethora of merits yet numerous demerits are also there.
Issues and trends related to parent’s roles are frequently discussed these days. It is argued that both mothers and fathers have worked over the recent years. Despite the fact that there are some drawbacks, I would argue that there are more benefits. The explanation will be shown in the following paragraphs.
Travelling has changed over the years as in past people used to travel to religious destinations, but, nowadays, people have a keen interest in exploring new places like the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic where conditions are harsh. Travelling to these places have certain positive and negative impacts which are discussed below in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, living in a city is great. There are a number of benefits and drawbacks of living in an urban setup. In this essay, I am going to discuss these views.
After having secured employment, numerous possibilities will open up to young persons as to which lifestyle they want to adopt. Regardless, in some regions, these individuals choose to continue sharing a home with their parents. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this situation. Nonetheless, the drawbacks, which are characterized by conflicts between family members, certainly outweigh any benefits.
It is quite popular that many people are encouraged to work and travel for a year after high school. In my opinion, it is a good idea that spending hours for a term doing those is more advantages than starting immediately university studies. This essay will show a lot of benefits with doing in this gap year.
People have different ideas on children's education due to cultural differentiation. Whether to achieve a goal aggressively in trying all possible ways is a kind of the typical case. While it sometimes puts a strain on children, I firmly believe it makes for more benefit in forming positive character.
These days, some people don't like to work for another corporation, and they prefer to be self-employed. In this essay, I will explore the reason for this argument. Firstly, I will give reasons for Why many people choose to be self-employed rather than to work for a company, and secondly, I will discuss are their negatives for this matter.
Since many countries, such as Japan and the United States, are facing an ageing population, issues surrounding the elderly community are increasingly debated. In some parts of the world, senior residents may retire whenever they prefer. Although there are both advantages and disadvantages to this policy, I think the risks entailed completely outweigh the benefits.
Nowadays, because of the rise of technology, the world wide web became a medium of instruction. It is often thought by many that learning through the internet has more benefits than in traditional classroom settings. However, some would think otherwise. In this essay, I will be discussing both advantages and disadvantages before giving my opinion.
Nowadays, many people hardly find time for recreational activities due to extended working hours. However, some people opine that long office hours has a lot of detrimental effects, while others believe that it has some benefits also. In this essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of this new trend at length in the following paragraphs.
Working professionals, these days, often work overtime, as a result, they do not get time for family and themselves. Undoubtedly, such a schedule offers merits to business owners and employees, in contrast, it has its demerits. However, there has been a long-standing debate on whether to prioritize jobs over leisure activities. In this essay, both perspectives will be discussed in detail.
Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people travelling to the inhabitable regions. There are undoubtedly numerous advantages of visiting these hostile areas like exposure and adrenaline rush; however, there are a number of demerits too.
With the economic development, many companies have achieved impressive results. While earlier it was common to work within small firms, now people mostly have a job at huge corporations. In this essay, I will examine what I consider to be the benefits and potential drawbacks of working in a powerful company.
A highly controversial issue today relates to whether the lack of socialisation with friends and family generates more merits than downsides or not. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view and then explain why I believe this habit is deleterious for the population.
Our justice system follows different punishments for different offences depending on the severe the action was. However, some people believe that having a fixed trial in place will be a more efficient way to handle criminals while others do not. Though I personally agree with the latter part of the audience, In my essay, I will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of having fixed punishments for all crimes.
some groups of humans believe that there is no relation between study and success because they think there are plenty of people who are successful without studying. While this makes sense in some situations, I would argue that the better way lead us to brilliant achievement is learning.
It has been pointed out that people have been becoming to watch TV series or movies solely. Personally, I opine that this situation brings out several dangerous problems in terms of personal skills and health issues compared to one benefit it might bring.
Increasing globalization has blurred the line between nations in terms of the clothes they wear, the TV channels they watch, or their dining habits. I think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This situation has some drawbacks; also has some positive aspects. Those will be explored in the ensuing essay.
Taxing citizens for socio-economic benefits has been an age-old debate. In a number of countries, society has to incur taxes in return for free healthcare and education. This essay will highlight why this is a viable approach.
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