IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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The importance of knowing foreign languages cannot be denied. Hence, some people believe that foreign language lessons should be introduced in primary classes rather than secondary. In this essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of this debatable question.
Few of the organizations have made it mandatory for its employee to wear a uniform during duty hours and this trend has some merits for both employer and staff. This essay will firstly, discuss the positive effects of a dress code on a company and secondly, the benefits for workers will be analyzed.
Nowadays, people are migrating overseas for better earning and a bright future. However, some chunk of folks assumes that this trend has many drawbacks. In this essay, the pros and cons of working abroad will be discussed.
In many organizations, live internet communication is getting preference over in-person meetings. In my opinion, I think that communicating online brings about more benefits in organizations compared to any disadvantages it might bring.
It is believed by some professionals that learning a foreign language at primary school is better compared to secondary school. This trend has both merits and demerits. I believe that despite having few drawbacks, it has been beneficial in numerous ways for students.
Looking at the current scenario, it is clear that the population of some nation includes mostly young adults in comparison to old people. In my opinion, I think that the youth can boost the economy more significantly compared to the elders.
These days, because of the rapid development of technology, people became able to access to the internet. Therefore, an increasing number of individuals, including children enjoy their leisure time by watching social networking services such as Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. In the following essay, I would argue that the benefits do not exceed the drawbacks.
In recent times, the usefulness of the internet can not be overemphasized worldwide. Many individuals are of the opinion that internet is beneficial as it gives people the liberty to work or learn from their houses and not necessarily embarking on a journey to their offices or schools. Admittedly, it makes life less stressful. Nevertheless, despite this advantage, it has a devastating disadvantage as a poor network can be a major challenge.
In some societies, children are often advised that in order to reach any goal, they should work intensively. Although this belief has some benefits, the drawbacks cannot be neglected. In this essay, both of them will be discussed.
A growing number of people are moving from rural to urban centres. Although relocating to cities has its own downsides, However, I believe the upsides which include access to adequate amenities and employment opportunities far outweigh the disadvantages.
Solar energy is gaining popularity around the globe and is being used in homes in many nations. This is because to save the environment from the perilous effects of fossil fuels.This essay shall discuss the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy further in this essay.
In this modern era, most people would like to move to another country for many reasons such as migration and education. This trend has been increasing for the last two decades. However, many individuals leave their nation for migrating and studies purpose. This essay discusses both viewpoints of merits and demerits in the upcoming paragraphs.
A highly controversial issue relates to whether the fact that multiculturalism is more and more prevalent because of globalization is beneficial or not. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view and then explain why I believe as more and more towns are becoming multicultural, this does more good than harm to people's everyday life.
The use of robots not only in the technology industry but also in other industries like the medical and manufacturing fields has increased drastically in the past decade. For instance, nowadays there are robots who can perform surgery, manufacture automobiles and answer calls and respond to clients. So, in my opinion, robots will replace humans in the majority of the jobs presently done by them. This is because robots are more productive than workers as well as make fewer errors. In addition, robots cost lesser to maintain and can benefit an enterprise greatly.
With the development of technology, the use of social media platforms has become more and more popular. However, the debate on whether such websites can bring more good than harm has been heated. In this essay, I will outline both sides and elaborate on them.
As technology has developed, people can now travel to isolated natural areas. It is often argued issue whether these improvements have benefits, drawbacks. While this trend is beneficial to some extent, I would argue that its disadvantages are more salient.
Are our identity and development based on genetic influence or is it constructed during growth? As a matter of fact, several research indicates that characteristics we are born with may influence more, but, honestly, I disagree. In this essay, I will outline the reasons why I believe that life background actually determines who we are.
In recent days, the conditions of travelling abroad have been overhauled and people have the possibility to exploring places that are not commons. To exemplify, Sahara and Antarctic have been chosen by a plethora of tourists. Those regions have advantages such as being an unexplored area, although they do not have the best conditions to hostage a massive quantity of travellers.
Many university pupils routinely study in other institutes around the world as part of their degrees. Although pupils struggle with cultural and linguistic challenges while abroad, they will also gain significant life experience that will reward them later in their career. In my opinion, students are far better off having studied in a different country despite the challenges that they inevitably face.
Around the globe, certain individuals are motivated to get a break from travelling or gaining professional sense after college. There are certain pros and cons associated with this. I will discuss some of the most common ones in detail.
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