IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In the contemporary era of information technology, the use of social media has been increasing in an unprecedented way. As the conventional method of interaction among folks has been changed, individuals are using social media for the purpose of communicating, reading news, and following events. This essay will discuss why the soaring use of social media for communication purpose has more positive sides than drawbacks.
There are those who contend that children should learn a foreign language while in primary school while others believe it should be done in secondary school. While there are advantages to gaining a second language earlier, I firmly believe that there are far more disadvantages to it. The following essay will elaborate on my reasons.
Nowadays, due to advancement in technology, employees prefer to communicate through online platforms rather than physical meet. This trend has both merits and demerits. I believe that despite having few drawbacks, it has been beneficial in numerous ways.
Nowadays, the internet becomes a major source of connecting people via various social pages. In the vast majority of nations talking through smartphone gains more popularity which lessens' physical interaction. This trend has both merits and demerits. The question raises is that whether this ideology has more advantages or disadvantages. I believe that despite having few drawbacks, it has been beneficial in numerous ways.
For the past centennial, it has been observed unprecedented growth in the field of touristry. Travel and tourism are energized in many nations. Indeed, that has both merits and demerits. In the upcoming paragraphs, both these would be scrutinized in detail.
These days, robotic machines have been replaced by human jobs because of the technology revolution. Many industries removed employees and introduced computers based services. I strongly believe that Some jobs can not be done through an automated system. This essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of the argument.
These days, the robotic machine has been replaced for human jobs because of the technology revolution. Many industries removed employees and introduced computers based services. I strongly believe that Some jobs can not be done through an automated system. This essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of the argument.
The benefits of travelling to a foreign nation are under debate. It is said that visiting abroad helps the individual as well as that particular state. This trend is associated with advantages such as monetary gain but it also has disadvantages like a cultural shock. However, in my perspective, the merits outnumber the demerits in many ways.
It is noticed nowadays that in certain nations the proportion of young people is more as against the older generation. This trend is associated with benefits such as the availability of a big task force and their longevity while there are drawbacks like inexperience and cut-throat competition. However, in my perspective, I strongly believe that the merits outnumber the demerits of this condition.
Foodstuff is very important in our lifestyle. There are a variety of flavours available in the market today, including junk food is the most widely used. The public is more inclined towards eating it out nowadays. Although there may be some specific moments of eating canned meal sometimes, the side effects of using it can be far greater; however, society needs to be dependent on processed foods for certain reasons. . In this essay, I will discuss the reasoning for my perspective and provide relevant justifications.
The ways of cuisine consumption of the human have undergone significant change in the past couple of decades. We have surpassed the traditional cooking methods, which undertook the importance of foods' nutritional value, and we have adjusted to a lifestyle depending on processed foods that are readily available to us. Even though they are some advantages, I firmly believe that the disadvantage far outweighs them. In this essay, I will discuss the reasoning for my perspective and provide relevant justifications.
The issues of characteristics effects on each person growth have been raising a lot of debates. Some might say that our personality and development are influenced by innate component as a community have capacity traits. On the contrary, others insist on the opinion that inborn skills nature may be difficult to communicate and make friend with each other. Viewing from a general perspective, this essay will discuss both viewpoints and I personally follow the former opinion by following reasons.
With the advent of digitalization, more nations are advocating digital modes of settlement. In my opinion, even though this development is a pathbreaking discovery it has various disadvantages too. The essay will put forth the merits and demerits of using online payment avenues.
Nowadays, more opportunities for travelling overseas to study have been applied for college students in order to pursue their dream. This topic has been creating an argument whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. From my perspective point of view, studying abroad is prominent in term of improving one's abilities such as communicating skill and live independently . Hence, I think the positives indeed surpass the negatives related to the article.
Nowadays, the opportunities to study overseas are getting possible for everyone. In fact, in the past, this occurrence rarely happened. Therefore, in this essay, I would like to examine the benefits and drawbacks of this trend as well as provide a plausible conclusion regarding that matter.
Toys play a significant role in developing children's fine motor skills. One cannot contemplate a juvenile without a toy. It is a hot topic to discuss whether we should or not buy a large number of playthings for young ones. This essay will reveal the advantages and disadvantages relating to the above-mentioned idea.
Recently, tourism has encouraged humans around the world to agree on one international language for communication. English has become the most prominent language in the world, whereas some people reject this idea because they claim that this would lead to the destruction of many societies. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and possible drawbacks of using a common international language globally.
It is true that many students take a gap year after high school, and instead of going straight to college, they spend a year travelling or working . This essay discusses what are the positive and negative impacts of this decision.
The residents of different nations are able to have fast foodstuff in their streets due to the establishment of these shops around the world. This essay believes that the benefits of this outweigh the drawback. Initially, the essay will demonstrate why this type of cuisine is beneficial in the fast-paced era and then it will indicate some detrimental ramifications of having unhealthy food in our lives.
The residents of different nations are able to have fast foodstuff in their streets due to the establishment of these shops around the world. This essay believes that the benefits of this outweigh the drawback. The essay will demonstrate how this type of cuisine is beneficial in the fast-paced era and then the detrimental effects of having unhealthy cuisine in our lives.
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