The presented graph compares the amount of house prices in five various areas in England including: London, South East, East Midlands, Yorkshire and North East during a specific period of time (September 2008-September 2
The given bar chart compares data about how many people per thousand worked at 5 various sections that depend on tourism industries at 2 points in time namely, 2009 and 2019.
The pie chart illustrates the data about the native Pearcentage of native people speaking three different Languages Years in the period of 1996, 2006 and 2016.
The two given pie charts provide information about the population of people in the UK who speak other languages except English over a ten years period (2000 and 2010)
The chart illustrates the proportion of the individuals who rely on private vehicles and the ones who uses public transportation in five different Australian cities.
The graph illustrated the trend of visitors in National Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, as well as British Museum from 2007 to 2012. As seen in the graph, the most visited museum was national Gallery while the least
The charts show that the number of audiences who visited cinema in Auckland between 1995 and 2003, as well as average number of cinema visitors beyond ages.
The graph depicts the amount of films that have been sold and rented yearly in some store among ten years. It is clear from the graph that, there is an increase in DVD sales. However, the rentals of films and VHS sales s
The line graph illustrates the proportion of female workers who aged 15-64 in five countries (Canada, Turkey, Iceland, Germany, Chile) from 2003 to 2009.
The presented bar chart compares data about the proportion of global inhabitants who graduated from Universities in the UK in 6 various countries at 2 points in time namely, 2000 and 2015.
The table below shows the total households’ income and the extent to which it was allocated to food and clothes and the pie charts detail dedicating funds for food and clothes in a given city in Britain in the years 2010