IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern age of technology, humans are extremely depended on the internet and its by-products. Platforms such as the social site have integrated into everyone's life. It is argued that such platforms can endanger
In this current age, all sorts of people using social media at the fullest. Every individual has mobiles, laptop or any other gadgets at their convenience. They are sharing their personal information to the outside world
In the 2010s, a myriad of social media platforms, mainly Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have become a playground for various tasks. Considering the aging generations: for mature entrepreneurs, it is an excellent opport
It is considered by online platform most popular in all generations, meanwhile they most share their private thought social media this way will bring a several consequence to user. Social media not only is a trendy pheno
The digital revolution has provided us with uncountable knowledge and entertainment. The social media, however, has also created various controversial issues, one of them is sharing personal data publicly. This essay is
Many people rely more on the Internet to communicate and share information among each other, but it has some risks associated with it. I believe the advantages of social media are comparatively higher than its disadvanta
It is true that these days social media are widely used by persons of all age groups. While there are numerous benefits of using social media platforms, sharing some private information on these platforms have hazardous
We are living in the Era of Technology, therefore, social network such as Facebook or Instagram has been commonly used for most people without age limit. There is no doubt that social media brings us many benefits and Co
Since the 4.0 era has begun, social media is essential for everyone, helping to contact with each other immediately, or keeps them up to date with their friends and anyone they want. It’s It is not absolutely perfect thu
Since the 4.0 era has begun, social media is essential for everyone. It helps to contact with each other immediately or keeps them up to date with their friends and anyone they want. It’s not absolutely perfect, thus it
Social media platforms are a kind of platform where people can connect on large scale via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc, where the people of all age groups can participate at the same and share their view, emotion, ha
Social media is becoming increasingly popular amongst all age groups. However, sharing personal information on social media websites does have risks. Do you think that the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvan
In our modern life demand of public websites is growing among all ages. But most people think that it is dengerous sharing their own dates. In this essay will to analyze preferences and prejudices of those opinions .
Advance technology has invented social media, which has been commonly used by all people from all age limits. Although, there are many drawbacks to use a social network, especially the threats of information leak, my per
Undoubtedly, social media websites have been widespread in every corner of the world. The masses of all age groups socialise on the myriad social sites and keep updating personal information with their friends and relati
Nowadays, The use of internet has been greatly increased by the all age groups of human beings. However, there are some risk to sharing personal information on various websites. But for my opinion, I believe that the adv
Nowadays, in the world of technology and information flow, the Internet and Social Networking has become a common practice for people of all ages. Although, the information flow and leak has a numerous disadvantages, I b
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