IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing with regard to applying for the role of voluntary/unpaid vacancy position at the museum. I consider myself the right fit for the position at this time.
I am writing this letter in reference to a part-time voluntary job opportunity available at your museum, and would like to be considered for the position.
I am writing to inform you that yesterday I read on the newspaper about the ad which you were looking for people to work part-time voluntary. I would like to work some voluntary in order to help our society. I am linda
I am writing to you with regard to the advertisement posted for the requirement of a volunteer at your museum. Considering my skills and desires, I wanted to inform you that I am interested in this opportunity.
I am John Smith, living at flat 1, 539, Forest Road, Canterbury 2036. I am writing to you with regard to showing my interest in volunteer work at the museum.
I am writing with regard to an advertisement regarding the hiring of volunteers in your museum. As I am totally free on weekends and would like to utilise those days in a qualitative way.
I am writing this to apply for the tour gide position in the Historic Museum. As per the advertisment published in the newspaper, there is shortage of staff during the summer's. I usually visit my parents during this per
I saw your advert in the News Daily paper regarding the volunteer job at your gallery. I would like to join there for the job. I am an undergraduate student studying at the nearby university of your building.
I came across a vacancy notice for part-time voluntary work in your museum. I am writing this letter to apply for the vacant part-time voluntary position in your museum.
I am writing this letter to express my interest in part-time voluntary work which was advertised in the local newspaper last week. My name is Sofia ,a final-year student from Nanyang Technological University majoring in
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