IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that online shopping becomes so common nowadays. People all over the world prefer to get their needs from the internet instead of buying from stores or offices. I do believe that the advantages of shopping in
In the recent years, we have noticed that the way of buying things has changed where there is no need to go in shops, libraries or even groceries to get clothes, books and food. Nowadays, online shopping is very common,
Recently, the Internet or digital platform is accessible almost around the world. It is not hard for anyone to access everything from online sources. I will outline the benefit of having the connecting world by useless c
Nowadays, people tend to purchase for their needs online. This tendency is growing in the world with its own options and opportunities. Generally, I personally believe that in our digitalized world, shifting our habits f
Buying things online is quite popular these days as people tend to buy things like books, air tickets, and groceries this type of shopping has many advantages such as good prices for customers and a wider variety of opti
Nowadays, consumer buying patterns have changed with online purchases. E-commerce websites are becoming more popular and traditional shopping trends are being changed for items such as books, air tickets and groceries.
Nowadays, although obesity has been converted into one of the most important illnesses in the World, there are people that guess that this situation is a result of bad decisions from parents in feeding infants, but othe
Online purchase modes have been well-developed in recent years. Some populations believe this shopping pattern is much more beneficial than visiting reality shops. Personally, I agree with this notion, and the reasons wi
No one can deny that there are both positive and negative aspects of buying things on the internet.From time to time it is becoming more and more popular nowadays this form of buying from the development of technology.In
It is often believe that with the advance technology purchasing some items online like a books, air tickets and edible items is become well favored for customers. In this essay, we will describe the advantages outweigh t
In this fast-moving world, technology has achieved a significant advances in ecommerce. ecommerce is a platform where we can buy our needed things with the use of internet. This essay will discuss about the benefits and
Nowadays, the development of internet made online shopping become more popular. People now can shopping without go out to the shop and the only thing that they need is a smart phone. Buying things by this way still have
As shopping online is more and more popular nowadays, the debate on whether purchasing things through the internet is beneficial or not has been heated. As for as I am concerned, the advantages can overtake the drawbacks
As shopping online is being more and more popular nowadays, the debate on whether purchasing things through the internet is beneficial or not has been heated. As for as I am concerned, the advantages can overtake the dra
As shopping online being more and more popular nowadays, the debate on whether purchasing things through internet is benefit or not has been heated. As for as I am concerned, the advantages can overtake the drawbacks.
Due to online shopping, Individuals tend to purchase things on the internet such as, books, air ticket and groceries, which is becoming more famous these days. In this essay will be examined the pros and cons of online s
In recent years, there has been a growing trend that people tend to buy things on the Internet. This present both pros and cos, however, in my opinion, its benefits are much more significant than the drawbacks.
With the rise of the world wide web came a new way of shopping and that is through sites such as Amazon and E-bay. This method of purchasing goods has many advantages and I believe they outweigh the disadvantages.
The Internet has revolutionized the world in the most outstanding way. Customers are becoming quite adaptive to using the internet frequently, there is a huge spike in preference for online purchases over offline. I woul
Nowadays, the internet is not only connecting people or offering information but, it is also increasing its popularity in terms of shopping; million of books, tickets, groceries and even clothes are being sold online eve
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