IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent times we have seen a huge increase in the number of people who drive. Even though their vehicles are more sophisticated than ever, many people are injured or killed on our roads. This essay will consider why th
The transport industry has seen a huge advancement since it was invented until now. Nevertheless, statistics show that the percentage of car crashes is growing rapidly from year to year. Among other causes, there are two
In the modern world, motor vehicles are becoming an integral part of everyone’s lives. Even with the advancement in technology, the usage of mobile phones during driving and heavy traffic congestion during peak working h
It is undeniable that traffic accidents occur frequently even though there are a lot of improvements in vehicle-related technology. There are several causes for this phenomenon, but measures could certainly be taken to s
Despite improvements in vehicle technology, there are still large numbers of road accidents. Explain some of the causes of these accidents, and suggest some measures that could be taken to address the problem.
Although technology has advanced in recent years, there are many road accidents in the world each day. There are several causes of these tragedies. Hopefully, we can do many things to overcome the problem.
The progress made in the automotive industry is astonishing. However, a large number of road accidents is still a matter of concern, and certain measures must be taken by the government to resolve this problem.
The progress made in the automotive industry is astonishing. However, a large number of road accidents is still a matter of concern, andcertain measures must be taken by the governmentto resolve this problem.
There is a trend for vast majority of emergency situations in the road in spite of developments in vehicle technology. The following essay takes a look at the main reasons of driveway crashes and propose some possible so
The transport industry has seen a huge advancement since it was invented till now. However, the number of car-crash occasions is rising from year to year. Among other causes, there are two main of them, such as poor pena
According to statistics, there are more car accidents occurred this year compared to the previous one. These occasions happening in spite of cutting edge technologies applied to the transports. There are various reasons
Road accidents today take a shockingly high number of lives every day around the world. Althoguh technological enhancements have well improved driving experience, they have yet to omit hazardous incidents. There are nume
Important advancements have been made over the last decade in the car industry, especially innovations in driverless cars. Regardless, the rate of road collisions has remained the same or even increased in some countries
The automobile industry has undergone major improvement in the last century. However, the proportion of road transport accidents remains at an all-time high. This essay will discuss the prime reasons for the escalating n
The automobile industry has undergone major improvement in the last century. However, the proportion of road transport accident remains at an all-time high. This essay will discuss what the prime reasons for the escalati
Automobile engineering has seen substantial changes lately, which improved major features, speed, mileage, in-vehicle facilities and comforts in transportation. However, such development could not help mankind to decreas
The improvement in the technology of cars is noticeable. However, a huge figure of a car crash is still a matter of concern. This essay will explain what are the reasons behind this issue and the ways to mitigate that.
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