IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that after children enter school, their academic and social growth are impacted by teachers rather parents. Personally, I disagree with the idea that teachers may have more impact on these students th
People have different views about who have more impact on children's academic and social growth after they enter school, parents or teachers./ Some people believe that after children enter school, their academic and soci
There is currently a contentious argument over whether teachers’ impact on children is much more significant than their parents’. In my opinion, I totally disagree with this opinion because parents are more aware of the
The beliefs and values of young people are shaped through a myriad of influences. Among the most major of these are a child’s parents and teachers. I argue that ultimately teachers have more influence than parents on the
I definitely agree with the statement that once children get admission in school, teachers have more impact on them than even their parents. A number of arguments surround my opinion. To begin with, children spend qual
It is quite obvious that, the impact of tutors on younger's personalities has aroused a lot of people's interest and discussions around it. People have actually differed about it. A group of people claims that, parents'
Schooling plays a vary vital role in the personality development of the individuals. It is being argued that instructors in schools have immense impact on the mental and societal development of students, as compare to th
Teachers possess more responsibility than parents for teaching academic subjects to school children and mentoring them forming friendships with others once they enter school.Nonetheless, I totally disagree with the idea
It is often thought that teachers have more impact on a child's academic and cognitive development skills than parents. I agree that the mentor's role is vital in improving child's academic and social skills to a large
The beliefs and values of young people are shaped through a myriad of influences. Among the most major of these are influences exerted by a child’s parents and teachers. However, it is argued that ultimately teachers hav
Teacher is a person who shape up the entire life of the student through his or her knowledge and they are influencer for students. It is true that teacher have more impact on students than their parents. I totally agree
During the formative years, two strong influences on the child's intelligence and patterns of behaviour are nobody except from the mentors and their parents. While I admit that teachers may have more impact on intellectu
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