IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It sometimes appears that tourist attraction sites such as museums, historic sites, and national parks impose extra charges on foreign visitors compared to local citizens. I completely disagree with this idea. the reason
In many historical areas and landmark venues around the world, there is often a large difference between the entry fee that foreigners pay in comparison with locals. In some places, foreigners may pay up to fifteen times
It is sometimes argued that visitors from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit important sites and monuments. In my view, I completely disagree with this notion and reasonable claims will be disc
It is sometimes argued whether tourists from overseas should be charged more than native residents for visiting monuments or not. I partly agree with this idea.
There are some people who believe that foreign visitors had better pay more than local tourists when it comes to cultural and historical attractions. From my point of view, I partly agree with this opinion.
Visiting historical monuments and culture centres can be expensive if you are a foreigner. There are some people who believe that foreign tourists ought to pay higher entry fees than locals. I firmly disagree with this
Foreign tourists have to pay more as compare to local visitors for cultural and old things.I believed that our coming communities have to pay more because that come to visit new places.
It is sometimes argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit important sites and monuments. I completely disagree with this idea. The argument in favour of higher prices for
Some people believe that oversea travellers should be charged higher than local residents for cultural heritages. I completely disagree with this idea .
Travelling indeed becomes more popular and tourists are wandering from one country to another to explore the cultural heritage and iconic public spots. Multifarious people opine that foreigners should charge more as comp
Cultural and historical attractions are an important aspect of any place. There has always been a debate whether or not International tourists should be charged more than the local visitors for visiting these attractions
It is sometimes argued that foreigners pay higher fees for cultural and historical attractions than natives. Personally, I completely disagree with this statement for a variety of reasons.
It is often argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit important sites and monuments. While this practice might benefit the domestic economy in the short run, I believe an inc
It is true that in some countries, foreign visitors are required to pay more higher fees for cultural and historical sites. Although it is beneficial for many countries, I only partly agree since the extra amount should
Some people think that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit monuments and important sites. I disagree entirely with the view.
It is undeniable fact that every countries monuments and historical sites are there Heritage. Therefore a fair amount of people believe that tourist visiting to these areas must be charged more than the local inhabitant
It is a controversial matter whether tourists from other countries should be charged a higher fee than local residents to visit the famous landscape, including cultural and historical attractions. Accordingly, my standpo
It is a controversial matter whether tourists from other countries should be charged more than the local natives for their visits. Accordingly, my standpoint of the both views will be discussed in detail.
It is argued that international tourists should pay higher than locals to visit cultural and historical sites in a country. I strongly disagree with the statement due to the following reasons.
It is often argued that should be a requirement for foreign tourists to spend more money on local attractions. I do not agree with this opinion and I believe that equal facilities have to be given.
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