Human race has been actively affecting the environment over centuries, resulting in loss of many species, both floral and animal. It is debated, however, whether this effect is irreversible, and if not, what steps are to
It is clear that all progress brings together certain impacts, and this statement is not different when we analyse the impact on worldwide nature and animal life. One part of the population believes that negative impacts
It is undeniable fact that wildlife of our planet has been negatively influenced by human actions. For some people this problem seems to be unrecoverable, however others including myself argue that there are definitely s
It is undeniable fact that wildlife of our planet has been negatively influenced by human activity. For some people this problem seems to be unrecoverable, however others including myself argue that there are definitely
The first bar chart reveals, the consumption of calories of people, whereas the other depicts the percentage of obese people in 2013 in the five different countries.
The aggravating negative impact on the environment caused by human activities has raised quite a concern at home and abroad. Some individuals consider that the circumstance is irreversible while others believe there are
The human activities harm both flora and fauna of our planet. While some people believe that measures can be taken to mitigate the negative impact on plants and animals, others believe that we are these harmful effects a
It is undoubtedly true that some of our activities have a harmful effect on our planet. And the question whether can human actions affect or nor is widely discussing. In this essay, mentioned topic will be discussed and
For the last few decades, the number of plants and animals are decreased.While so many species are endangered due to the detrimental actions of human beings. Although there are a few people who believe that there is noth
The world we are living in has undergone a huge transformation in terms of nature. The issues related to damage to the climate and living creatures are ever-present. In such a grim scenario, a few people believe there is
The human activities harm both flora and fauna of our planet. While some people believe that measures can be taken to mitigate the negative impact on plants and animals, others are of the opinion that we are these harmfu
The human growth is at the cost of the lives of animals and plants, and it has been argued by many that it can't be changed, whereas the others believe the contrary. I support the latter idea, as the flora and fauna must
People actions had a detrimental impacts in plants and animals around the globe. Few people thought this cannot be changed and I agree with that, as the life style of people is changed, the advancement in industries dema
Human activities have contaminated the pure and pious nature of flora and fauna around the globe. Some people want to participate in discovering ways for changing the harmful after effects, while others neglect the fact
Vividly, dangerous activities on flora and fauna have become an omnipresent rage which has led us at vulnerable zone. By the thinking of some people, this trend should be changed in order to protect the nature's beauty.
The expansion of the human race is at the cost of the lives of the animals and the plants. Some people argue that this activity can't be stopped, however some believe that it has to be curbed by making proper plans. I al
A lot of negative impact to the environment are caused by human activities. Some people believe that this situation can be changed while others do not. This essay will discuss both arguments in detail and provides eviden
Nowadays, living in the rural areas is getting as popular as living in the cities, although opinions remain divided when it comes to what is better for children. It is argued by some people that city life brings more opp
Overpopulation, rapid industrialisation and deforestation are major thread for habitats, perhaps, people activities are indirectly impacting their surroundings. However, this can be resolved before their extinction.