IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern world, there are so many people struggling to purchase their own homes, but others choose to rent accommodation, instead. both of the two ways have their own advantages and disadvantages. In my perspective,
In several countries, some individuals tend to rent a house while other's preference is buying a home. There are some benefits and some drawbacks to renting a house which will be discussed in this essay.
There is an ongoing debate regarding the choice of accommodation. While some people prefer to live in rental units, others argue that they should have their own houses. While acknowledging the merits of rental properties
Human civilization nowadays thinks it is more convenient to live in a rental house instead of buying a new one. Houses in the city tend to be more expensive due to the high demand and developed infrastructure. However, I
Nowadays in few nations certain individuals are leasing living homes, while others are purchasing thier personal apartments. I strongly disagree that renting accommodation is better than purchasing one because purchasin
People have different forms of accomodation in various parts of the world. Some people might rent an apartment while others might have their own. This essay describes renting an apartment can be beneficial in short term
in some countries some city dwellers tend to rent a house, while some other residents have more desire to housing themselves,there are some advantages as well as the essay I am going to count the merits
In the modern world, shelter is one of the main necessity for humans. Some people prefer to lease apartments and others like to buy their dream place. However, I believe there are more drawbacks in leasing someone else's
The graph provided reveals about how many people households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011.
Deciding whether to rent or purchase a dwelling has always been an argumentative issue in some nations. Where as some people believe that renting a box is a good option others do not agree. This essay will discuss the po
While some individuals prefer rented accommodation in some countries, others believe that purchasing own house is more beneficial. Although renting houses could include fewer maintenance costs and property taxes, it does
Selecting a place to stay and whether to rent it or own it is a big decision to make. Many people prefer to own a house rather than living in a rented property, while there are others who choose to do to exactly the oppo
It is undeniably true that basic human right to live is unfulfilled without having a roof on our head. Though the people from different countries might have different opinions on whether to own a place or to rent a tempo
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