IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that most people will be interested in staying up-to-date with emerging headlines. Although it is true that the majority of people will move towards reading the news digitally, I believe there will be a
In the comming years, people will lose their intrest in buying printed books or newspapers due to availability of E-books and online newspapers for free. I am not totally agree with this opinion, beacuse offline ones cau
After decades, people increasingly prefer absorbing information through online websites without paying, leading to the potential disappearance of printed newspapers and books. In my opinion, I agree with this statement,
Cutting-edge technologies have led to widespread access to information. Many people argue that in the future most resources will be free and they will be able to acquire them without boundaries. I partially agree with th
Technology has emerged as a cornerstone of the change in daily habits, such as reading. Some predictions about the future involve that online reading without paying will eliminate sales of printed books and newspapers. T
It is argued, that no one will purchase printed books or newspapers, because they will not pay for them and prefer online reading. I completely agree with this statement and think that reading online is more convenient f
It has been argued that in coming generations there will be no printing newspapers instead e-books will be available. I am totally disagree with the statement as reading books and newspapers is a hobby for some individua
With the startling pace of technology development, publication is no longer just paper-based nowadays. I believe it is an inevitable trend that more and more people will read digital news or books. However, traditional w
It is expected that in the next couple of years, printed book and newspapers will no longer be as popular as they are now, and people will be able to find their favourite books and news online free of charge. I think th
Hardcopy books or newspapers will be less likely to be used by readers in the future. With the advancement of technology and information, ease of access and cost related, people will prefer to read everything online inst
There is a statement that people will read news, books, …online instead of buying printed ones in the long run due to its convenience and remission of charge. From my point of view, I don’t totally agree with this.
Due to the growing technology and globalization, many people prefer reading books and newspapers online rather than buying books and newspapers physically. In my opinion, the advantages of reading online far outweigh the
It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose e-books than paper one. I completely agree with this statement and consider individual will no longer purchase printed newspapers or books and will instead rely o
Recently, there have been many discussions regarding how the majority of human daily activities such as reading newspapers or books will completely switch to online. The way I see it, I might disagree with this statement
Some say that In the coming years traditionally produced, on paper media would be withdrawed by digital solutions, and that the modern form of getting information would not require any payments from users. I entirely sup
It is a common belief that nobody will read printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. However, I firmly believe that there still will be physical newspapers
There is a view that all people will change their preferences to read digital books, rather than actual books, because it is free. From my perspective, two of the possible reasons are, that some people are still drawn to
The availability of online newspapers and books is attracting people in various ways; mostly because free of cost. I completely agree with the statement, that the day is not far when no one will buy printed newspapers an
In modern eras, there are increasing customers preferred using digital books or acquiring news from a myriad of the streaming platforms, leading to the unwillingness to purchase fiscal academic informative resources. In
A long way down the line, not a single person will purchase a newspaper or book printout due to the availability to peruse the information freely through online resources. In this phenomenon, the writer decidedly agrees.
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