IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Newspapers and books are losing their popularity now. There is a statement that some newspapers or books will not be used because people can read everything online without spending money. I personally disagree with this
Given the technological advancements, people will read newspaper or books online freely as opposed to purchasing printed ones. In my opinion, this is a positive modification that will yield numerous positive results. My
In today's technological era, everything is available online so it is believed that in the coming period of time, people will not buy physical things like newspapers or books ,they will be able to get information on medi
In coming years, there is no one who is into purchasing hard copied materials, since they will access to a large amount of softcopied which will be available through internet free of charge. I agree with this theory beca
It is widely believed that no one is likely to purchase printed reading materials in the future due to the opportunity for everyone to read online easily without payment.
Nowadays in the digitalization era, people can extract information from all over the world just by one click on their phone or tablet. This argument is supported by the facts that all continental and even the small villa
With the help of technology the world has come a long way .in today's scenario people's lifestyle has be changed a lot from the past . Internet pays a part and parcel role in our life. People can find anything from the i
Nowadays technology has been developed rapidly, it's also impacted to reading habit to all of people around the world. In the early 2000th the parents used to read the newspapers and magazine, but then in 2015 they have
It is predicted by some people that no one will choose to purchase printed newspapers or books since these materials will be capable of being gained from the Internet without paying. From my perspective, although this tr
Nowadays printed newspapers is not as much popular as before.Some people think that it will be unsold due to the fact that people have access to the online newspapers without any cost. In my opinion,I completely agree
Experts predict that in the future printed newspapers and books won’t be in use anymore as they will be replaced by digital e-books. I agree with this statement, as technology takes over our planet by leaps and bounds. T
Nowadays, society is increasingly developing in every aspect, leading to the fact that shopping habits as well as the points of view of citizens have a tendency to alter and become diverse. A consumer can purchase books
These days, publicity of kinds of stuff has become a part of all kinds of human life. While there are proponents who argue that manufacturers are making profits from ads day by day, opponents of the attitude contend ther
These days, publicity of stuffs have become a part of any kind of humans lives. While there are proponents who argue that manufacturs are making profits by ads day by day, opponents of the attitude contend there are too
It is generally claimed that development technology makes easier in educational life. In the coming days, no one will purchase physical material such as papers and newspapers or books because the internet has provided th
There is no denying the fact that online huge concept. While it is a commonly held belief that no one will pay for newspapers or novels due to reading everything from online websites, there is also an argument that oppos
There is no denying the fact that online huge concept. While it is a commonly held belief that no one will pay newspapers or novels due to reading everything from online website, there is also an argument that opposes it
Nowadays printed newspapers are not as popular as before.Some people think that it will be unsold due to the fact that people have access to online newspapers without any cost. In my opinion,I completely agree with th
Due to the development of the internet and the spread of social networks many of people prefer catching news online as opposed to buying a newspaper. Also, there are many novels and articles available for seekers on vari
There is an opinion , that individuals prefer to read magazines, books and other stuff online instead of buying the printed versions of books and magazines in the future . In this essay, we will examine the reasons for a
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