IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that the trend of various merchants which have the same function from many businesses have occurred in some nations. While advocates argue that this is a positive signal, others assert the contrasting ideas a
Globalisation can be witnessed in every sector of this world. Thus, the majority of retailer inlets from various countries trade in similar commodities. There is always a conflicting view regarding this similarity among
In this contemporary era, it has been suggested that globalization has opened the door to international business. Apart from this, Similar goods and products are available all over the world via e-commerce websites and o
The importance of international trade which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial while others reject this notion. The substantial influence of this
In this contemporary era,some proponents discern the view that globalization helps all countries to have common goods of high quality, while others are against this claim.They do not consider that the merits surpass t
Nowadays, globalization has affected demand and supply to a large extend, making everything available around the globe at ease. As a result, there are many similar establishments and commodities that are available in man
Nowadays, there are bunch of shops and variety of products booming in various countries. Some people might consider this as a positive development and some might consider them as negative developments. In my opinion, I v
It is widely accepted that, globalization has led to many nations in a platform through which the varieties of the products of the different brands like Zara, Gucci and many more are effortlessly available through stores
Nowadays, globalisation has led to international trade across many countries. Similar goods and products are available all over the world via e-commerce websites and offline markets. In this essay, we will discuss both p
Without any doubt, it has become evident that society is divided into two groups as per the distinct mindset of different people. Therefore, this has become a debatable issue whether the effects of globalization such as
Nowadays, the criteria defining a successful person has changed a lot in our society. Although, history has many examples of people who were not famous however they were successful in their respective fields. In my persp
Nowadays, the criteria defining a successful person has changed a lot in our society. Although, history has many examples of people who were not famous however they were successful in their respective fields.
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