IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is undeniable fact that the under-developed countries are facing various difficulties in necessary areas, including health, education, and commerce. Alternatively, The argument arises that the ministry of developed na
Developments in various sectors such as skilled, professional and non- professional are quite important for a country to progress. Although some people think that it needs to be done by the individual country themselves
Developing in physical, literate and business are drastically needed for the enhancing of few wealthy people and as a contrast more wealthy mankind should grab the liabilities for assisting helpless folks in some regions
Undoubtedly, it is the wealthy countries' responsibility to extend their support to poorer ones. Although the subject is contested by many, I strongly advocate this trend is mutually beneficial. The improved relations an
Progress of the underdeveloped nations is achievable only by improving health, education, and trade. A fraction of the population holds the notion that it is the responsibility of the developed countries to provide aids
With the challenges that face less-affluent nations in terms of disasters, health and education, developed countries may step in to help and solve these problem. Indeed, in my opinion, I strongly support this approach. I
With the challenges that face less affluent nations in terms of health and education, developed countries may step in to help and solve these problem. Indeed, in my opinion, I strongly support this approach. In this essa
The progress of sectors, such as health, education and trade, is important for growth of an underdeveloped or a developing country.Therefore, many believe that the government of developed countries should take responsibi
In this constantly developing world, the hospitals, educational institutes and a country's GDP are the factors which are considered imperative for the progress of financially weak nations. Also, the developed countries m
Education and trade are a key considered as an improving of as poor as a church mouse country. The indicated survey said a wealth nation should take care of not lucrative countries. It is undoubtedly true that richer cou
As a widespread fact, the developed countries are focusing solely on their gross domestic product and their advanced technology to diversify the industrialized sectors and services. However, these modern countries may om
As a widespread fact, health care system, education quality and trade are the most crucial matter for the progression of poorer nations. Some argue that industrialised countries should lend poorer countries a helping ha
The poorer nations should concern in improving the 3 main aspects of a country such as health, education and trade. However, the councils of the richer nations should take more responsibilities for helping the developing
In Today's highly competitive world, poorer nations are struggling for enhancements in medical , education and trade for their development. Nevertheless, it should be better for them if richer nation's authority supports
Due to globalization, many countries are joining their hands with other countries to create win-win opportunities. The important factors in the evolution of poorer countries are enhanced in the area of health, education
Poverty is becoming increasingly popular. Most of the countries around the world are facing the inferiority; therefore, the higher authorities of the superior countries should take necessary measurements for supporting t
Due to globalization, many countries are joining their hands with other countries to create win-win opportunities. The important factors for development of poorer countries are enhancement in the area of health, educatio
Due to globalization, many countries are joining their hands with other countries to create win-win opportunities. The important factors for developingf poorer countries are enhanced in the area of health, education and
Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialised countries where the main difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such as education, health and commerce
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