IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is commonly witnessed that In emergent nations there is an increasing trend in the establishment of multinational groups.Both the merits and demerits of this will be discussed in the impending paragraphs.
Recently, it has become the norm that multinational corporations have rising tendency to operate in the developing countries. While this trend has significant advantages, there are some drawbacks that it caused.
Nowadays, more and more multinational companies are launching in developing nations. I am of the opinion that it is advantageous to have those organizations in developing countries as that will create more employment opp
Multinational firms are setting up offices in developing countries. The advantages of this are that they create job opportunities and a better lifestyle for the citizens of the developing nation, but there are also drawb
Multinational firms are now increasingly popular in developing countries. This is because the benefits of having large scale industries in developing societies will increase their employment options. The drawback is tha
More and more multinational firms are setting up their branches / offices in developing countries. The primary advantage of having large scale industries is that they will increase employment and reduce poverty, but the
Recently,there has been a world preference for a multinational economic market. This has led to an increase in large business investments in developing communities as a means for supporting their economy, whereas some pe
Recently,there has been a world preference of a multinational economic market. This has led to the increase in large business investments in developing countries as a means for supporting their economy, whereas some peop
The presence of MNCs is growing in progressing nations, and they are becoming a common sight. While this development is advantageous for the job market because it will provide multiple occupations for youngsters, in cont
he presence of global organizations in developing nations is becoming a common sight. While this development is advantageous for youngsters because these companies generate a myriad of opportunities for them, on the othe
Third-world countries are the most preferred business locations for many international firms. This development generates more jobs in the local community, while it is also considered as one of the main reasons for foreig
Multinational corporations are becoming more and more prevalent in nations that are still developing. A primary benefit of this trend is increasing employment opportunities. However, it also entails a drawback, that is,
There is a current trend marking the upward trajectory of the ubiquity of multinational organizations in nations that are still developing. As discussed ahead, the phenomenon does proffer some advantageous features, but
Multinational companies are well established in their home country, particularly from Western countries, who are willing to expand their footprint, often choose developing nations. The most common reason is the populati
Multinational companies (MNCs) are companies that have business activities in more than one country. They are becoming increasingly common in developing countries. Although multinational companies have their merits on co
Multinational firms are getting more ubiquitous in third-world nations. Firstly, this essay will discuss its benefit being more locals are able to find jobs. Secondly, this essay will discuss its problem being the enviro
More and more transnational corporations are setting up branches and factories in less developed nations. Some believe that such companies bring positive development in the host country’s growth, however, in the opinio
The 20th century has witnessed some phenomena such as, globalization, industrial revolution and the changes that these have brought in are beyond our wildest expectations. Globalization has made the world as one virtual
Most of the multinational companies are expanding in developing nations. While these companies are successful in generating employment opportunities but they are also responsible to create a toxic and discriminatory envi
The growing dominance of transcontinental business units in impoverished nations is a common trend these days. Various notable merits and demerits are associated with this trend, which are elaborated in subsequent paragr
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