IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Human needs have exceeded their limit over a period of time. The majority of people are eye to eye with the fact of using wildlife as lab rats to fulfil their desires however there are people who completely dissent from
Human needs have exceeded its limit over a period of time. Majority of people are eye to eye with the fact of using wildlife as lab rats to fulfill their desires, however there are people who completely dissent these act
There is an ongoing conflict as to whether animals should be prohibited in the drug testing phase because of unethical violence or it needs to operate to guarantee human benefits. To the best of my knowledge, I strongly
In this science and technological era, medical development is a boon to humanity. However, this development is happening on the stake of animal experimentation. Humanitarian people think this is a morally condemnable act
It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a li
It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a li
It goes without saying that the use of living critters for human purposes has skyrocketed nowadays compared to the past. The argument as to whether or not testing on the natural creatures should be continued or prohibite
Pharmaceutical companies are still using living creatures to test the safety of their products. Some people believe this practice should be stopped, while others think we should continue with the same practice because it
I am privileged to have an opportunity to share my skills, experiences and knowledge in aquatics sciences, in particular fish immunology and welfare. Zahra Roosta is currently obtained her post-graduate degrees, and have
In the development of new medicines and check the safety of the new product, experiment on animals is being performed. Some advocates argue that this should be prohibited, while others favour this notion as it has some m
Conducting experiments on living creatures is commonplace. Although there are some real benefits to the human society favouring the practice, the sufferings of other creatures are much more significant. In my opinion, it
Conducting experiments on animals is commonplace. Although there are some real benefits to the human society favouring this practice, the sufferings of animals are much more significant. In my opinion, therefore, it is
Conducting experiments on animals is quiet common these days. Although there are some people who consider this is an injustice activity, opponents believe that the testing is far more better than killing man to check the
Animal experiments are famous used to test the safe of product and develop new medicines. Many people think that these experiments should be banned because it is cruel to the animal, while others think that it make benef
Beasts and birds are assigned to accomplish the improvement of drugs and to measure the security of various materials. Folks disavow that using brute in testing purpose should be restricted to live in their habitats in p
There is a public debate over the question of using animals as a routine specimen of human to test medicines. While some people believe that it is the only way for mankind’s safe from failed researches, I would argue tha
Nowadays, in order to test the effectiveness of medical products before human use, a large number of animal experimentation is implemented. Although these experiments bring humans many benefits, I believe that scientists
In the modern era, A valuable discussion going on the society, where some people demand to stop killing wild animals for testing drugs others have the opposite view. In this essay, I would shed light on both sides and ju
Using animals for advancing medical techniques or furthering experimental research has been a topic of heated debate for many years. For some people, animals are their companions, while for others, they are just a means
In recent years, animals are being used as experimental subjects in medical industries as they are considered safer than a human subject. While some argue that such practice should be banned due to the consequences fac
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