IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given charts compare the share of money spent and received in a children’s charity in the USA in 2016.
The presented pie charts illustrate the amount of income and expense of a children’s charity where is situated in the USA in 2016.
The pie chart shows us the different sections of costs and the income sources of the American charity organization .
The charts illustrate the total amount of donations for children in the USA with the types of fund distribution and revenue sources in one year. Overall, the children's charity has a slightly higher income than the outco
The two pie charts denote incomes and outcomes a charity of children in the USA in one year. Overall, total of revenue sources is $53,561,580, and total of expenditures is %53,224,896.
The charts illustrate the total amount of donations for the children in the USA with the types of fund distribution and revenue sources in one year. Overall, the children's charity has a slightly higher income than the o
The pie charts illustrate the amount of revenue and expenditure for a charity for children in the USA in 2016.
The pie charts illustrate the amount of money that collected and spent by a children's organization in the United States in 2016. Overall, the primary source of money collected through food donations and community contri
The provided illustration presents a financial report detailing the ratio of donation sources and expenses over the course of a year for a youth charity organization based in the USA.
The graphs indicate the statistics of revenue and expenditure of an American children's charity within a year, 2016.
The given pie charts illustrate the revenue sources and expenditures of a children's charity which is located in the United States for one year, 2016. Overall, it is clear that there is no significant gap between the tot
The pie chart illustrate income and returns on US donations to children over a period. Overall, a quick look shows that revenues are slightly higher than expenses, and food donations and program services dominate in ever
The pie chart illustrate income and returns on US donations to children in one period. Overall, a quick look show that revenues are slightly higher than expenditures, and food donations and program services dominate in e
The pie charts demonstrate the partition of income and outcome for the children’s non-profit movement in the USA in 2016. Generally, the amount of spending money is smaller, which is $53,224,896 than the earning, $53,561
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