IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Over a decade, environment issue has been main problem all around the world. Plastic, as one of the most damaging causes for this matter, has done more than enough to destroy numerous aspects of the environment as it cre
Despite the continuous awareness made to the public about the harm caused by the use of plastic products for the environment, there have been no indication about a decline of using these items. This essay will elaborate
Plastic-made products have been proven to have detrimental effects on the Earth, and this issue is creating a great concern about the future of the world. This essay attempts to address the damages done to the environmen
Some of people argued about the usage of plastic, mainly, as the bottle, the bag, and the packaging which impact to the quality of the environment. This essay will examine the main causes of the plastic in everyday use a
Some of people argued about the usage of plastic, mainly, as the bottle, the bag, and the packaging which impact to the quality of the environment. This essay will examine the main causes of the plastic in everyday use a
Plastic is used extensively because it is cheap and convenient, But overusing plastic-made bottles and goods is becoming a series problem all over the world. ‏In this article, we will present some of the damage that plas
In the past 50 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of plastic from a small to a bigger scale. It has caused more harm to the environment than its convenience of use and has contaminated the Earth to an e
In the past 50 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of plastic from a small to bigger scale. It has caused more harm to the environment over its conveninence of use and has contaminated the world to an ex
In the last decade most of countries have been using a plastic for different industry such, as plastic bags, plastic bottles, and even for packaging; which have a negative impact on the environment. In this essay I will
There is no doubt that any kind of molded is bad for the environment. elastic products are not natural, which is why they destroy our world day by day. In this essay, I will discuss some of the problems associated with p
The bar chart provides information about various age groups people expenditure in the UK manily three categories namely Food and drink, Restaurant and Hotel and Entertainment in 2004.
Nowadays increasing plastic usage can be seen in all products, it can cause critical damage to humans, flora and fauna. Since the community can not stop using these products, if it does not be controlled, the plastic lit
After plastic was invented, people have enjoyed using plastic in their daily lives for the reason of convinience. It is undeniable that using plastic gives us more comfortable lifestyle but it also visious side effects o
Nowadays, most of the scientists’ research have been revealed that our world temperature rapidly increases because of the amount of trash and the pollution, therefore, the scientist attempt to revolution our society.
Plastic materials could be harmful to our environment in differerent ways, such as they cannot be broken down and stay in the environment for a long time. They also produce toxins, which can contaminate soil, water, and
Nowadays, damage to the environment through plastic bags, plastic bottles, and plastic boxes is a vital issue that should be discussed. The origin of this situation seems to stem from two factors, while several remedies
Environment has become a major concern around the world, especially in the modern age. Getting rid of any packaging such as bags, or bottles made from plastic, mostly one-time-used kind, is one of the major priorities du
Plastics harms environment due to its non-degradable nature. The consumption of plastic has been increased over the years, with the change of human lifestyle. However, the Scientists believe plastic is a fantastic materi
There is no doubt that these days environment has much more problems than before; the main reason for this is certainly the extensive use of plastic, a material that affects nature negatively and takes several decades to
According to the statistics, twenty three million tons of plastic waste is produced in the United States in one day . It is irrefutable fact that in this modern era, an increasing number of more and more humans believe t
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