IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Career is one of the important factor of life. According to my point of view single career is good rather then more careers . Because if we wanna make extra money then we are good to make one business sucessful . If our
There is a wide gap between the developed nations and the under-developed nations in our world. This gap can be seen in many areas such as literacy rates, city infrastructure, road development, medical facilities and man
There is a wide gap between the developed nations and the under-developed nations in our world. This gap sees in many areas such as literacy rates, city infrastructure, road development, medical facilities and many more.
Music, which has many genres, has always been considered an essential element in people's lives. It has been used in religious rituals in the old civilizations and in telling stories about civilization's heritage to its
Music has an important role in our life. It has evolved enormously through the ears. I will be discussing the role of melody and the importance of traditional opera over international.
Every nation, release a health estimation at the end of the preceding year. Some resident believes that greater volume of which must be utilised in educating pupil and in implementation of diseases stopping work than cur
Trying multiple careers in order to earn more money is becoming more popular nowadays and rapidly becoming a solid idea for the future as compared to having a single career for a longer period of time. There are also a f
When a nation improves its technology, the traditional skills and ways cease to exist and it is meaningless to try and keep them intact. This essay completely disagrees with the aforesaid statement as a country's traditi
It is becoming a fact that doing a single job is now outdated. Different occupation at the same time is a new trend or it also opens more chances to increase income and never stop seeking knowledge at any age. This essay
Nowadays it is very common that people don't follow a single profession, like in the old days they spend their whole life working on one job. In the modern world, people do multiple jobs to earn more for a comfortable an
In today’s world of globalization and the unity of the many countries, it is advantage for poorer nations to get some help from rich developed countries. Though, it is the main responsibility of a government to take care
For nine to ten months, a woman endures the drastic physiological and emotional changes that pregnancy brings about. Because of this, a woman has the greatest right to decide on whether she will have an infant or not. An
People nowadays like to experiment with their career choices. They feel it is imperative to have a diversified career to become financially successful, and hence many are still pursuing further education to boost their c
In this technology driven world, anything can be learned on their own through books or the internet, which is not required special course or workshops. However, the learning is a sequential process of everyone's life.
WRITING TASK 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. Popular events like the football World Cup a
The role of the social media is a crucial in our daily life. Despite its initial purpose, which is providing breaking and beneficial news, it also world-renowned for posting occasionally fake report. Thus the power of me
Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed, I would like to begin by pointing out that Traditional skills and ways of life do not automatically die due to development in technology. In many ways, the history of civ
Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed, I would like to begin by pointing out that ‘traditional skills and ways of life’ are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community. In many ways, the h
Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed, I would like to begin by pointing out that ‘traditional skills and ways of life’ are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community. In many ways, the h
Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed, I would like to begin by pointing out that ‘traditional skills and ways of life’ are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community. In many ways, the h
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