IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Currently, there are an extensive number of individuals who are in dire need of transportation, while a wide range of them are complaining about the poor condition of parkways. Consequently, some people feel that governm
Some people hold the view that governments ought to allocate a large proportion of funds for enhancing road infrastructure, others feel that it is public transport to which investment should be directed. As far as I am c
People have different views about whether the government should invest more budget in developing roads or public transportation. While some individuals argue that it is essential to allocate more money to improve highway
Some people hold the view that governments ought to allocate a large proportion of funds for enhancing road infrastructure, others feel that it is public transportation to which investment should be directed. As far as
Some would argue that a huge portion of the country's budget should be used to develop streets and highways, while others believe that the biggest part of the government's money should be spent on Improving general trans
Some people think governments should invest more money on improving roads and highways. Whilst, others think it should be spent on improvement of public transportation. In this essay, I will discuss about both people' s
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