IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, arguments over creating art have mushroomed in many parts of the world. While some people argue that this task is within all people’s capacity, I believe only people possessing inborn talent can make mas
For a long time, art has been a way for humans to express themselves and enrich their cultures. Regardless, being an artist seems incredible and at some point, it is necessary to human culture as a way to inspire and en
It is argued that creating arts need skills and abilities while some people believe every individuals can make arts freely. Certain arts need basic knowledge and equipment as support factors in making creation such as st
For centuries, art has served as a medium for human expression and cultural enrichment. However, there remains a debate about whether creating art is accessible to everyone or requires specialized abilities. This essay
It is an undeniable fact that everyone has their own gift for doing things differently. However, there are two predominantly contrasting views, where a section of society claims that anyone can make art. While others e
Many believe that art can be created by anyone , while others think that to create art author must have precise skills. The forthcoming paragraphs will examine and discuss both sides of the argument and give my own opin
Painting,poetry and music are a hobby of men and women. This fascination is created in childhood .particularly the certain People think that anybody can make art,music and poetry. But some others believe that it is an
In this world, every person is blessed with a special talent and can have it in form of art, sports, acting, teaching etc. Do you think people with special abilities can only create art or any simple person can develop t
There is no doubt that art has been playing one of the major parts in today's world. Some people might think - while others think. My opinion is that -.
It is absolutely difficult to creat a piece of art, which other people admire. Some hold the view that it is an innate ability; however, others think that any one can learn these skills and become an artist, painter, poe
Artistic skills are always appraised by everyone. While some people believe that art like painting and music require special abilities and artists is gifted child from birth, however, I, believe that anyone can create
Since the creation of mankind humans express their feeling through their arts.There are some community think all humans can make art,but few ones think artists are born with skills.For me, all people can make art but onl
Different forms of craft are an important element in individual lives. Some segments of people consider that skills such as drawing, poetry and playing instruments are easier to develop by humans, while others conceive t
Art is a diverse range of creative activities that express the creators’ imaginations. Naturally, anyone can assume, to create art all you need is a good imagination. However, some others believe that you need to learn s
Art is an assorted choice of the people with a lot of imagination and creativity. Artists imagine the environment in a different way and portray that in their painting.However, some people advocate that expertise in any
We are living in the world where art is important in every part of the society. In this regard some people consider that art such as painting, poetry, music etc; is easy to create by anyone. However, others conceive that
There should be a talent to create an art these days. Some people believe that this kind of art such as painting, poetry, music requires special qualities, while others indeed that any individual can create one. This ess
Nowadays, art has found the significant place in every part of the society. Therefore, it is argued that that some kind of arts are simple to learn and achievable by all people. However, others believe that some specific
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