IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A few people think that website documents must only be utilized for an adolescent to gain to know the information, while others trust that xeroxed papers ought to be used. There are more benefits such as relevant, infor
In this 21st century, technology has advanced vastly from just a big screen computer to such a small handheld smart phone. It can be seen that much data is up on the internet and so much so that it seems that the need fo
Although a large number of people consider that digital reading supplies ought to be used for children to learn to read, other people believe that only printed materials should be preferred. Personally, I support the for
At the age of syndicated channels, cable television, and satellite dishes, the e-books have become a norm in the society. Therefore, children approach this new method of reading at an early age. Many people argue that th
It is often argued that online reading materials ought to be exercised for a child in order to review to read. One the other hand, some people feel that printed paper is great.This essay will discuss about both sides.But
While, there is a contradiction in using only books to read, it’s easy to get an online material at hand anytime. I opine that it is comfortable to get material available online, On the other hand it takes a lot of time
Over the last few centuries, the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This change has been driven by the booming breakthroughs in science and technology. Consequently,
Nowadays there are different ways which can be used for the process of teaching children to read. There are two types of people when it comes to ways of developing children’s skills. The first group thinks that only mode
Recently, teaching methodologies is a contentious topic. Some people opine that online reading material should be only applied in teaching children to real whilst others argue that children are only allowed to use printe
Electronic devices dominate the world we live in today. Books are not left behind, and we can see an e-book version for almost all printed material. Arguably, some sections of society think that the advent of online read
Nowadays, computer technologies are developing day by day. Also studying online is a conspicuous trend which is essential towards a child's growth and development. There have two points, some people believe that children
Technology today has changed the way we learn and read. The traditional notebooks are now replaced by online reading materials. With the Internet, came the easy accessibility to the quality reading material and this has
In this contemporary epoch, reading has become an indispensable part of human trait. While many individuals believe that children should learn the reading skill from the internet, others assert that only books can provid
One of the most conspicuous trend of the current education system is a colossal upsurge in the usage of e-books. Many people favour digital reading while other prefer papers. I am going to examine the question from both
It is argued that online study material is essential towards children growth and development. But some people strictly adhere to the children's online learning, but others argue that book should be utilized. I believe th
It is argued that online learning is wider exposure for kids, instead of physical printed material. It is conspicuous that online learning is essential for a child's growth and development. But some people strictly adher
The majority of people thinks that online study material is easier to access, also to gather a large amount of information in regards of saving time for a child's learning. But other believes that physical reading materi
While some people argue that online reading beneficial for learning on the other side some people consider printed material more helpful for learning as compare to online reading.In my opinion ,printed material would be
Reading information from web pages should be used for a child's learning is a belief of a few parents, while others say that a paper-based reading is the best way. Although, the internet provides up-to-date information f
Reading info from web pages should be used for a minor's learning is a belief of a few parents, while others say that a paper-based reading is the best way. Although the the internet provides up-to-date information for t
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