IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Okay, and now I'd like to talk about the tome which is very efficiently which was very efficient and useful in my life. It is a novel called Atomic Habits, and they're a lot of beneficial information and it and other kin
Various controversies have emerged as to whether study at home or go to school is best for children's future development. In the following paragraphs, I will introduce the benefits of both arguements, and elaborate on my
Various controversies have emerged as to whether studying at home or going to school is best for children's future development. In the following paragraphs, I will introduce the benefits of both arguments and elaborate
To improve child's development, many people believes that children is better to learn at home but some people thinks that it is still necessary to go to school. Both situation have cons to guide the progress of child's g
It is believed that teaching at home is the best education for a child's future. Others, however, think that academic education is better. Personally, I believe that both types of education are good, but a school curricu
It is certainly true that with the advancement of high-tech media, the learning style of offspring is changed drastically since the last decade. Some opine that learners must teach at home while others think that learni
Nowadays, it is sometimes thought that parents improve their child's future by attending the list of development courses. In my opinion, I agree that parenting and child development courses will help parents to enhance t
One of the major issues that concern our society today is whether youngsters should get educated from home or whether they should go to school. Strong arguments exist on both sides, which implies that it is worth examini
One of the social concerns today relates to that teaching children at home is best for a childs development while others think it is important to go to school .While it is widely believed that teaching at home is best fo
It is not surprising that people hold different ideas about where should nowadays's children get their education. I would argue that a school environment may be a better match for children while studying at home has its
In recent times, with the increasing trend of homeschooling, some individuals prefer to provide education at home. However, others believe that schools are playing a vital role in children's upbringing. I affirm this sta
It is arguable among people to select best one between school learning and home learning. Where individuals grow in a professional tutor’s surveillance and get more variety of environmental, home learning provides a hig
Certain people believe that homeschooling is more effective for a child's development whereas, others believe that being taught in school is more important. In this essay, I will be discussing the merits of the two opin
Education plays a vital role in everyone’s life particularly children. However, the question of whether learning at home or at school is better has sparked a heated debate. Whereas indoor education offers better protecti
Nowadays all children around the world must have access to education since it is very important to become a good person. For the well-being of children, some people think that studying at home is better than anything el
Childhood education not only helps to improve a child's growth and development but also makes a bright future for them. Some people considered that children can develop better by educating them at home, while others thin
In recent decades, it has been argued whether learning processes of adolescents ought to be progressed in educational institutions or houses. There are two sides of this view; however, in my opinion, children should acqu
A home is the first place where a child starts his life. It is the first destination where a child starts to learn and educate himself about the surrounding world it is debated that home plays a major role in a child's
Teaching methods are separate into two categories. Some people think that for an improvement of children is the best way of studying at home, while others think that it is essential to go to school.
While some individuals believe that it is necessary for children to be sent to schools, there are some who think that homeschooling is more beneficial. In my opinion, children who go to school have the best advantage for
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