IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, it is claimed that not enough people recycle at home. Hence, some argue that this could be fixed provided that authorities launch laws which make recycling mandatory. However, I believe that in some countries t
Nowadays, recycling is a critical process to reduce the environment pollution.Nomber of the people ignor the importance of reuse and reproduce the inneeded prodact. I think it is important to force the people to accept r
In this contemporary year, recycling is one of the most common and debatable issues.A part of society thinks that the way of making reusing maintain with legal regulations will be more essential. I totally believe that a
In this contemporary year, recycling is one of the most common and debatable issue. A part of society thinks that the way of making reusing maintain with legal regulations will be more essential. I totally believe that a
In this contemporary year, recycling is one of the most common and debatable issues.A part of society thinks that the way to increase recycling must be through laws and regulations . They support that it will be more ess
In this current year, recycling is one of the most common and debatable concepts A part of society think that the way of making reusing maintain with leagl regulations more esential. I frequently believe that argument. I
The issue of waste management and recycling has become increasingly significant in today's world, with concerns about environmental sustainability and resource conservation. Therefore, some argue that making recycling a
In the current world, A part of society supports that for recycling the states have to prepare regulations along with rules and force to humanity reusing. I strictly agree with that opinion. In the following parts, I wi
Some individuals think that people don't recycle their waste enough. Their solution is for governments to make recycling-related laws. This essay will explain why laws are required to make the population recycle their ga
Nowadays,many people prefer to give waste up to ditch or they can fall.However some people can recycle waste and they can save money.Personally,I believe,government can restriction which give waste up ditch or fall.
Waste is an international issue, and many people consider that the waste sourced from home needs to be more recycled. They believe that the only alternative to combating this issue is to make a legalized law made by the
Organic, plastic, and paper are the most common types of household output. In general, people heavily relied on government facilities to accommodate their disposal, such as drainage and trash collectors. However, there a
Recycling is a controversial topic, especially for a developed country. Also, most people say that the government must make a legal foreign requirement about this. To support this, the government and society must work to
A large proportion of waste from households is not recycled. Some people consider it necessary to enforce laws to deal with this problem. This is possibly a viable solution, but I do not agree that it is the only option.
A large proportion of garbage from households is not recycled.Some people believe that the government must pass laws to facilitate waste recycling in homes. The way is possibly a viable solution, but I'm afraid I have to
Some citizens have expressed their opinion about the lack of responsibility of other citizens to recycle debris at their place of residence and have asked for legislation in this regard. In this essay, I discuss the nec
There are individuals who are support the idea of making a legal obligation to reduce waste that is not recycled for them, this is the only way to ensure recycling at home. However, in my oponion, This legal obligation w
Rubish is one of the biggest environmental issues across the globe. Some people argue that their recycled only a little of home waste. They believe that recycling regulation from governments are the only way to improve t
There is no denying the fact that waste from homes often goes unrecycled. While it is a commonly held belief that the only way to force individuals to recycle more of their waste is by laws, there is also an argument tha
Recycling is a controversial topic. Some advocates argue that not enough of the rubbish from homes is recycled. Also, they say that the only covenant solution to tackle this problem is for the government to step forward
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