IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that crime rates have dramatically increased over the last few years. Some criminals can manage themselves to become good human beings while their stay in prisons. One of the main reasons is that they h
Recently, governments have been keen on launching awareness campaigns against crimes. Some people have suggested that released criminals are the best advisors on this topic and that they have the ability to convince youn
It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal, productive members of society. Some people believe those people are the most suitable one to have a talk with adolescents about dangers of committing a crime. From my persp
Nowadays, the crime rate is reaching to its peak day by day. To lower the crime rate, the biggest step towards it would be, educate people about the consequences of committing it. After completing the punishment , som
It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal members of society. Some people harbour a belief that allowing such people to speak to young people about their experience is the best way to discourage them from breaking t
It is true that some prisoners have rehabilitated after being released and become a better person. However, i believe that measures taken by teachers and parents are better to teach the next generation how to become a la
The way juveniles should learn about criminality is a controversial matter which has been discussed by different sectors of society. In that context, it is argued by some that people who were behind the bar, currently re
It is true that some ex-prisoners are able to return to normal life and get accepted by the community. In my opinion, because of that, their talks with students can really help educating about the consequences of being a
It is true that ex-prisoners can become a good member of society. I completely agree with this view that allowing such people to talk to teenagers about their experiences as a prisoner is the best way to deter them from
A crime is the significant play role behind lack of few things,which is unnecessary and some times it creates major issue in routine life.A group of people think that when the culprit come back from jail then they bec
Teenager age is considered to be the most crucial stage because at this age if proper guidance is not provided to the child, then he might be trapped in some antisocial activities. A plethora of people who have been in p
A teenager can be defined as the person who is the foundation of building country and may become the future President to lead our nation. However, it is obvious that the cases of teenagers commit crimes are alarmingly in
The prevention of crimes is a matter of concern in modern societies, and criminals who have served their sentence and changed their behaviour are considered proper examples to discourage young people from breaking the la
It is true that failure is simply the opportunity to begin, this time more intelligently. In other words, lots of prisoners could be nice persons after their punishments. It is argued by some people that the lives of the
Some culprits who have been sentenced to jail are found to become noble citizens of our society, But, some public argue that, whether, these people are the best to speak with the current generations about offending a law
Monetary influence has taken command over mankind. Those with exorbitant bank balances and owned property can earn more respect in society. It is observed that the importance of values like honor, kindness, and trust has
It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal, productive members of society. I completely agree with the idea that allowing such people to speak to teenagers about their experiences is the best way to discourage them f
Imprisonment has successfully transformed many offenders and helped them turn over a new leaf to a brighter life. From my perspective, it is a wise choice to invite former prisoners to deliver valuable lessons and dispel
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