IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent times, it has become really popular for schools to introduce uniforms for their students and take extra care in assuring they look proper and decent during academic periods. However, others do not actually put
It is often argued that educational institutes should be made compulsory for students to wear proper dress code whereas some other schools do not imply any rules and regulations on pupils on what to wear.This essay will
Overall appearance of pupils is a highly concerned topic in almost every institutes. While uniforms and dress code provide schools with certain advantages, there are some negative aspects that should be taken into consid
Many education institutes have guidelines regarding school uniforms and need their students to be presentable. In contrast, some of the schools allow students to wear clothes of their choice. A strict attire is an essent
Nowadays, uniforms have become a prevailing type of clothes used in most schools on a global scale. While a large quantity of students claim that they are forced to abide by their schools’ rules when it comes to uniforms
Many educational institutes have firm guidelines regarding school uniform and their pupils’ appearance, whereas some schools allow their students to wear what they like. Although having a strict dress code protects stude
Nowadays, most of the schools of the world have made uniforms mandatory. However, there are some schools where students are allowed to dress as per their wish. This essay examines the advantages and disadvantages of wear
Nowadays, dress-code is considered a critical aspect in schools. While there are educational institutes which have adopted a tough, uniform policy, others have a loose policy about it. This essay will discuss both the be
Nowadays, dress-code is considered a critical aspect in schools. While there are institutes which have adopted a tough, uniform policy, others have a loose policy about it. This essay will discuss both the benefits and d
Nowadays, dress-code is consider a critical aspect in schools. While there are institutes which have adopted a tough uniform policy, others have loose policy about it. This essay will discuss both the benefits and drawba
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