IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, taking a gap year has aroused a controversial issue among people around the world. Some consider it a good idea for learners to travel or obtain work experience while others support their contrast though
Completing high school is definately a big milestone for children. A break of one year is being perscribed by some countries to enrich child's impressionable minds. In this essay we will discuss the positive and negativ
When a human reaches 18, which is roughly around the fine finishing his or her high faculty years, what comes up to the body next is an important major decision-going to university or take a break. If he or she decides
In this inflation earth, rarely people do charity work for unprivileged mass which is considered as a noble and kind act. Nowadays, it is common policy among students get involved in unpaid jobs in order to have a break
In this inflation world, rarely people do charity work for unprivileged mass which is considered as noble and kind act. Nowadays, it is common policy among students get involved in unpaid jobs in order to have break betw
in this modren world,the counting of educated people is significantly increasing ,as it is compulsury for all the people. it is observed that ,to take one year of study gap between high school and bechelor degree and do
Charity work during the rift mileage has been in the centre of public attention for some time. There are various conflicting views about whether to do charity work for low developed countries or not.In this essay I inten
There are different views about a long term trip to experience word after high school. Some young students believe that travelling abroad for one year would open their minds and improves their practical knowledge, On the
Volunteering work is considered as an essential skill. It is a widespread practice for certain candidates to take year gap before university and in between high school to carry out charitable work in underdeveloped natio
Nowadays, many teenagers expect to get a year for travelling before working or studying at a university. The reason for their demands is to make them see a wider range of opportunities and choices and I also agree with t
Nowadays, many teenagers are expecting to get a year for travelling before working or studying at a university. The reason for their demands is to make them see a wider range of opportunities and choices and I also agree
Some youngsters consider a gap year the key to enhancing their career prospects, others think it is a worthless pursuit. I believe that pursuing a gap-year can provide worthwhile experiences to juveniles, laying the seed
It is believed by many that taking a year off from studies and roaming around the world is an ultimate source of knowledge. While some believe that such act is a waste of time and I second the latter mode of thinking, a
About education, every countries have their own customs. In some countries, parents often encourage their children go traveling after finishing high school; however, some prefer their children keep studying. Let’s see
It is hard as a young group to take such a important life decision after finished high school. For these reason, many students do a charitable job in a non or under developed country. It is a racional decision since the
Some students opt for a gap year between a high school and tertiary education so that to do charitable work abroad in less fortunate nations. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
Working for a charity that helps people in need is considered as a noble and selfless act. Nowadays, it is a common practice among young individuals to take a break between secondary and tertiary education to get involve
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