The line chart illustrates the percentage of the population aged 65 years old and over in a 100-year period from 1940 to 2040 in three different countries, namely, the USA, Sweden, and Japan. Overall, it is shown that Ja
The graph above illustrates the count of holidaymakers travelling to an island in the Caribbean sea between 2010 and 2017. Generally, there has been a rising trend on the different statistics, particularly in the total n
The picture gives information about the proportion of Australian exports in four different countries including Japan, the US, China and India in 22 years period from 1990 to 2012.
The line graph illustrates how many visitors travelled to a particular Caribbean island and stayed on cruise ships or on island itself during the course of 7 years, commencing from 2010.
The given line graph illustrates past and future Chile’s demographic information divided into three different age groups from 1975 to 2035, over a period of 60 years.
The line chart illustrates how many people participated in four types of sport activities ( basketball, tennis, badmintion, and rugby) in one region from 1985 to 2005.
The line graph illustrates the consumption of fish and also some different kinds of meat which is [ Lamb ,Beef , Chicken ] in a European nations over 25 years from 1979 to 2004. Units are measured in grams per person per
The bar chart depicts the amount of clean energy investment in the UK from 2008 to 2015. It is clear from the graph that the wind energy consumed the highest investment compared to other energy. According to what is show
The given bar chart compares what percentage of each age group has drinking habits among the population of the United States. As shown there, most of the people in every category are never drinkers.
The Below table illustrates the exports from Australia to four other significant countries as US, China, India, and Japan. The line chart summarizes the information on the percentage of exports along with the years from