The first piechart illustrates energy consumption in Australian homes and the second one compares the greenhouse gas emissions in the process. The units are in percentage.
The charts illustrate the percentage of water used for three different purposes; industrial, agricultural, and domestic use, in six regions of the world.
The bar chart illustrates the number of families in the America by their annual wages in 2007,2011 and 2015.Overall, the housholds with $100,000 or more incomes had the highest number in 2007 and 2015, and the largest nu
The bar chart illustrates the level of air pollution caused by, electricity generation, transport, and industry means, in four different countries in the year 2021. Overall, China showed the highest level of air pollutio
The bar chart illustrates the percentage of medically overweight or obese adults in Canada in 2018, categorized by age and gender. Overall, the proportion of obesity increased with age, with men having consistently highe
The chart presents the total of universities' international applicants in European countries such as China, Japan, the USA, and Russia from 2004 to 2008.
The given bar chart compares data about the percentage of family weekly income invested in 8 various sections in one country at two points in time namely, 1968 and 2018.