The bar chart illustrates the allocation of funds by two nations- France and the United Kingdom on five consumer products in the year 2010, measured in pounds sterling
The bar chart illustrates expenditure in France and the United Kingdom on consuming goods in 2010. Overall, it is clear from the graph that the trading of cars had the highest cost. While, perfume had the smallest funds
The illustrated bar graph provides the amount of various outlay in the France and United Kingdom during one year period. This information is measured in currency. Types of expenses such as cars, computers, books, perfume
The bar chart illustrates the expenditure on consumer goods in France and the UK in 2010, measured in pounds sterling. Five categories of goods are compared: cars, computers, books, perfume, and cameras.
The given bar chart illustrates the expenses of particular items in the UK and France in 2010, which is divided into cars, computers, books, perfume, and cameras with all units are measured in pounds sterling. Overall, t
The given chart describes the outgoing cost on customer merchandises of two countries which are A land and B land in 2010. Overall, spending on cars was the most favourable item for both A and B land. However, the B land
The bar illustrates the amount of the most spent money for buying five different items (cars, computers, books, perfume, and cameras) in two different countries (France and the United Kingdom) by 2010.