IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given line graph illustrates frequency of requests in person, by letter or email and by telephone at the UK tourism association in the first 6 months in the given year.
The line chart gives information about the number of tourists claimed for guidelines in terms of three categories (in person, by letter/email ,and by telephone) in a six-month period.
The given line graph indicates the figure for questions for the tourist information office in 3 forms: in personal, by letter and by email and also by telephone in one city which is called the United Kingdom over a six-m
The given line graph depicts information about the frequency of requests in person, by telephone and by letter/ email in a particular tourist office in the United Kingdom during the span of 6-month period from January to
The line chart details the frequency of requests in person, by letter/email, and by telephone at a UK tourist office in the first 6 months of a given year.
The given process table below illustrates demands for information at a tourist office in the United Kingdom between two months, namely, January and June.
The line graph illustrats three different types of requested by visitors at a tourist center in the United Kingdom thoroughout January to Jun.
The line chart details the frequency of requests in person, by letter/email, and by phone call at a UK tourist office in the first six months of a given year. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent t
The given line graph describes the number of requested data from a tourist office in the United Kingdom from January to June. Overall, it is crystal clear that the trends of requests for information by telephone and in p
The line chart illustrates the course of the means that people used in order to be informed by a tourist office in the U.K. from January to June. Specifically,communication was conducted in three different ways , by let
The line graph illustrates the three methods of requesting advice at a tourist office in the United Kingdom during the first six months of the year.
The bar chart above illustrates the information about requests at a tourist office in one specifically European country, namely in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the period of time from Janu
The line chart demonstrates the different ways that people request information from January to June at a tourist office in the United Kingdom. The requests for data can be sent in person, by letter or email and, by telep
The bar graph depicts data about enquiries at a tourist office in the UK in the first two quarters. Overall, it is clear that letter/e-mail based requests exhibited a downward trend while others experienced the opposite.
The line chart gives data on demand for information in tourist offices in the United Kingdom from January to June. From an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that using a mobile device used to be the most promin
The line graph reveals three types of information requested at a tourist office in the United Kingdom between January and June.
The line graph gives information about contacting for data with a tourist company in the United Kingdom between January and June.
The line graph illustrates the number of inquiries of information in the half year that the tourist office of the United Kingdom gets in three different ways. Overall, two of the three ways of getting information which a
The following graph illustrates the demand for data about tourist offices from January to June in the United Kingdom. Overall, it can be easily seen that the majority of people started to be interested in requesting info
The line graph illustrates requests for information in person,by letter/email and by telephone ways at a tourist office in the UK between January and June
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