IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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For centuries humans have shown utter disregard to the plight of the nature. It is often argued that rising environmental issues across the globe are the responsibility of the government and large organisations only. I s
Nowadays, the world suffers huge environmental challenges that people are not able to handle alone. Governments and large organizations are considered to have a major role in facing these issues. In my opinion, I think t
Governments, environmentalists and large organisations, in many countries, are trying to curb environmental problems, and a part of this effort is to make aware people about how they can contribute to environmental issue
In this great technological world, humans are creating lots of damage to our environment, and, there are few people who are trying to repair it. Companies and politicians should come forward to decrease this damage, whic
Environmental problems aren't new to the mankind and we've always been successful in addressing those issues with strong determination. While there is very little that we can contribute towards the problem as an individu
Nowadays the environmental problems are one of the considerable issues in the world. It is often argued that government and big organizations can address problems, while people are limited to tackle this issue. From my p
Over the past few decades, the issue of environmental pollution has become a major concern because the destruction of the planet. Although some people claim that there is limited power that general people can be done. I
Over the past few decades, the issue of environmental pollution has became a major concer beacuse the destruction of the planet . Althoght some peple claim that general people do not have the power , I personally believe
Nowadays, the environmental problems have been inevitable issues such as global climate change, increased sea level, decreased wildlife in the world. Some would suggest that these crucial problems should be taken by gove
Environmental issues such as global warming, air pollution, wildlife extinction… have dramatically increased and become a significant concern over the last few decades. Some people argue that government and big organizat
It is often believed that few ordinary people can make an effective improvement of environmental issues which is currently faced by across the globe. Therefor, major companies and governments are accountable for decreasi
It is serious that our society is facing the degradation of the environment while government and firms should take their responsibilities to tackle this ever-increasing Global warming. I personally believe that individu
Nowadays, Governments, environmentalists, organizations, in many courtesies are putting their efforts to curb the environmental issues and transmit the awareness among people how they can contribute to environmental issu
Environment gives supplemental benefits to people because trees give some kind of resources which is used in day to day life Benefits. Some benefits as protection of health and it works as a medicine.
Nobody can refute this fact that out of various issues the world is confronting, environmental problems are the most crucial problems. Many a person is putting their effort to mitigate the negative issues related to the
All countries in the world are suffering from environmental crisis, which is exacerbating each year. In my view, individual effort is less significant in reducing such damages; hence, the government and private organisat
Humankind is confronted with various environmental problems. It is widely believed that the impacts caused to the environment are so severe that an individual is unable to solve and only governments and enterprises can m
Environment issues are very alarming to all developed and developing countries. Few ordinary people can do small things to help improve the nature. However, many people believe that government including the large compani
The environmental problems are so important issue today. From the past, many countries had conferences to discuss it, but it’s been hard to contract an agreement for every country because they need to protect their domes
Nowadays it is hard to catch up with technology and development. Young people develop too fast today and it is hard for parents to catch up. Personally, I agree with the statement that today young people make their own
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