The line graph illustrates the average amount of carbon dioxide emitted per person in 4 different countries (the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, and Portugal) from 1967 to 2007.
The line graph depicits the discharge of carbon dioxide in UK, Sweden Italy and Portugal during 1967 and 2007. Overall, it can be seen that UK and Sweden show a decline in emission of CO2, in case of Italy and Portugal i
The line graph illustrates Carbon Dioxide emissions in 4 countries around Europe from 1967 to 2007 in metric tonnes. Overall, it is clear that the United Kingdom had the highest emitted in all periods.
The graph illustrates employment rate of females aged between 15-64 in different nations during 2003-2009. Overall, the majority of the countries, including Germany, Canada, and Chile showed increasing trends with Turkey
The supplied line graph demonstrates Australian exports in percentages between 1990 and 2012. Australia exports to 4 countries, which are Japan, the US, China and India.
The report derives from a line chart which illustrates the type of junk food consumed by Australian adolescents and the number of times eaten per year from 1975 to 2000.
This line graph illustrates the mean of CO2 emissions per individuals in four various countries United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal during 1967 to 2007. It is clear from the graph that,some of the regions are repr
The chart illustrates the consumption of three different types of fast food: pizza, hamburgers and french fries, consumed by teenagers in Australia over a period of 30 years.
The line graph proived informations and compire between subscriptions to mobile and fixed phone lines in 4 countries between 2005 and 2015. It is clear from all graphs over the time all countires were changed in subscrip
The line graph displays the percentages of tourists visiting to four different attractions in Brighton, England, over a 30-year period, between 1980 and 2010.