The above chart shows the data about silk producing factories and the number of employees of both genders in England and Wales from 1851 to 1901. The highest and lowest amount of factories was in 1861 and 1851, account
The table shows how many employess and factories were established in England and Wales in 1851 until 1901. Overall, the total employees decreased significantly. In contrast, the number of factories showed oppositely wher
The provided table gives data about the factories which manufactured silk in two different countries, namely Wales and England over the ten-year period from 1851 to 1901.
The table shown provides data on the demographics of the workforce and plants used for sericulture within the textile industry in the United Kingdom over half a century from 1851 to 1901. Overall, it can be seen that, al
The given table illustrates how many workers and companies produced silk in two countries from 1851 to 1901. Overall, total figures for employees declined significantly over time period, while the number of factories inc
Looking at the table, a comparison between the proportion of staff and factories in England and Wales can be observed from 1851 to 1901. What is noticable, is that the indicators of employees decreased dramatically throu
The table below illustrates the total amount of male and female workers who worked in factories for 50 years moreover, the data for the workers is for two nations.