IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The figures illustrate the number of several reasons that have an impact on to decline productivity of agricultural land, and the number of causes of land degradation in North America, Europe, and Oceania in the 1990s.
The pie graph depicts the data about the factors led to global loss of land productivity,while the table represents how these contributors had impact on three areas namely North America,Europe and Oceania(Australia and N
The pie graph depicts four factors contributed to global soil erosion.The table represents the impact of those four factors on three areas namely North America,Europe and Oceania.
The pie chart compares the proportion of main causes which affected the productivity of lands in terms of agriculture, while the table shows the information in North America, Europe, and Oceania in the 1990s.
The pie chart delineates the primary factors contributing to the diminished productivity of agricultural land on a global scale, while the table presents the impact of these factors on North America, Europe, and Oceania
The first graph illustrates the major causes of reduced production on farmland, and the second one shows the effects that these specific causes had on three separate continents during 1990s.
Given are two graphs concerning the culprit why land polutted issue.While the pie chart reveals the reason of degradation,the table illustrates this problem influence in some region,counted in percent,during the 90’s.Ove
A glance at two graphs provided reveals the main culprits why agricultural land becomes more unproductive and how these causes affected three sectors of the world, measured in percent, during the 1990s. Overall, over-gra
The pie chart depicts the significant causes of being less prolific of farmland. The table compares how the three parts of the world were influenced by these causes in the 1990s.
The pie chart shows the proportion of major causes on becoming agricultural land less productive. The table illustrates the information about how these causes affected three regions: North America, Europe and Oceania; du
The graph indicates the fundamental logics of soil degradation in 1990’s; also the degrees of this soil productivity decrease in three various territories at the same decade are discussed.
The pie chart illustrates the causes of worldwide land degradation, while the table presents the reasons that influenced three regions (North America, Europe, and Oceania) during the 1990s.
The circle graph presents information about the primary causes of agricultural land degredation globaly in the 1990s, while the table presents the specific impacts of these causes on three regions North America, Europe,
The pie chart illustrates information about the reasons of land destruction worldwide, whereas the table demonstrates the causes by regions, within a scope of a decade during 1990s.
The given pie charts indicating some information regarding the prime reasons why agricultural land becomes less fruitful. A highest percentage of causes of worldwide land degradation is related to over-gazing accounting
The following pie graph and table represent worldwide possible causes of land degradation and the reasons for 3 regions for the year of 1990, respectively.
The chart provides information about the lack of productivity in the agricultural sector and there is a table illustrating the reasons that affected North America, Europe, and Oceania during the 1990s.
The pie chart and table illustrate some information about the causes of land degradation and its effects on three different regions of the world in the 1990s.
The pie chart illustrates some principal causes that contribute to the degradation of the land and the table demonstrates the negative effects on the three continents during the 1990s. All units were shown in percentage.
This pie chart illustrates that agricultural land has produced few amounts of produce for several main reasons. The table graph depicts different processes that affect three continents (North America, Europe and Oceania)
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