IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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This pie chart illustrates that agricultural land has produced few amounts of produce for several main reasons. The table graph depicts different processes that affect three continents (North America, Europe and Oceania)
The given pie chart depicts the essential reasons (in percentage) why agricultural land becomes less productive in four categories (over-grazing, deforestation, over-cultivation, and other reasons), while the provided ta
The chart presents the main causes of agricultural soil becomes less productive. The table depicts how these issues impacted three different countries of the world in the 90's. Overall, there were three main reasons for
The pie chart provides information on unproductive agricultural area and the table depicts the consequences for the three areas of the world through the 1990s.
The diagrams give information about the causative factors of agricultural downward productivity all over the world and the three affected regions with details in the 1990s. Overall, the trend classifies the four main rea
The pie chart displays the particular reasons for the unproductiveness of agricultural farms. Whilst, the table illustrates how the three regions are affected by land degradation during the period of 1990s. In general, o
The two charts give information about the percentage of the principal causes in the agricultural sector which influenced its productivity and their influences in three different world regions during the 1990s. Overall, t
The pie chart illustrates the main causes of land degradation while the table reveals three regions which played a significant role in this issue in different categories in the 1990s. Overall, it is clear that the over
The pie chart illustrates the most important reasons for low productivity in agricultural land and the table gives information about three regions namely, North America, Europe and Oceania which faced these causes during
The pie chart illustrates the reasons for reducing agricultural production and the table provides information about land degradation in three countries in the year 1990. Overall, most of the farming was degraded due to
Given is a pie chart showing why agricultural land becomes less productive over time along with a table which shows how these causes affected the three regions of North America, Europe, and Oceania during the 1990s.
The charts provide information on four factors that contributed to decreasing agricultural land productivity along with the affected areas (North America, Europe, and Oceania) in the 1990s.
The pie chart illustrates the important reasons for farmland become less productive and the table represents how these causes affected three regions during the 1990s.
The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table shows how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s.
The graph below determines the reasons for lesser prouctivity in agricultural land worldiwde, it also focuses on three major regions of the world. Both the tabels give us preeminent reasons for land degradion and also cl
The pie graph illustrates the major causes why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table demonstrates these reasons influenced there regions of the workd during the 1990s.
This provided chart illustrates the essential causes that result in a reduction in the production of agricultural land in three different places. Overall, it can be seen that there were four main factors, which degraded
The given pie chart illustrates the fundamental causes of worldwide land degradation, and the given table shows how these reasons affected three places of the globe in the 1990s.
This pie chart illustrates the main causes for the decline in productivity of agricultural land. The table identifies the impact of these factors in various areas of the world in the 1990s.
The pie chart outlines the key factors as to why land used for agriculture produces less over time, while the table gives a breakdown of the effect these causes had on agricultural land in three regions during the 1990s.
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